
Will McCain with the help Of Sarah now defeat the celebrity?

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Does not the congress pass laws? Just commenting on an answer below.




  1. I certainly hope so.

  2. Mccain lied last night to the American people.  He talked about himself his biography.  He said little about what he would do the next 4 years.  He said he would cut taxes and Obama would raise them which is a flat out lie.  Maybe Mccain would get a higher tax rate but the majority of Americans under Obama would see lower tax plans and much more simple tax forms.  Plus Obama plans on reviewing the laws that Bush has passed Many that have taken away rights and privileges that we used to enjoy in our nation

  3. If the unknown Palin is the most "appealing" candidate - then McCains's little ploy worked and he has been be able sway over the dumb, the a*****e and the stupid.

    The infatuation with Palin shows that people are more concerned with her looks [which simply are not that great - unless only compared to other political women] and following the wags of their ***** - than the needs of our country. If you spoke, without breath, for a million years - you will never convince me [and most people] that this chick is the best nominee.

    I mean have you heard her speak, "What does a VP do, a ha ha?". Really. That was funny and she is the person who would be left with the enormousness of running our country.

    If we get another damaging Republican regime - may these people burn in our inevitable economic h**l ... first, because eventually it will burn everyone else too!!!

    ******* morons.

  4. Yes 100% Genuine Honisty in his speach last nite

  5. most assuredly

  6. Looks like the people now have some one they feel they can trust with Sarah on board.

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