
Will McDonalds & Burger King be closed during the DNC as all their workers will be in attendance?

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Does anyone know?




  1. The only things that close on election day are liquor stores.  Is there some reason you asked about fast food establishments?

    EDIT:  Amazing, you say Democrats don't have jobs and then in the same breath talk about them as minimum wage peasants.  Which is it?  Apparently you agree with the Republican dictum that the only people who count are the ones who can afford not to shop at Walmart.

  2. Well the GOP will keep all the maids and babysitters in the house (they're undocumented anyway, so it's best if they are kept under wraps anyway)

  3. haha

  4. A. You're ASSuming that Democratic voters have jobs. That's a misnomer because anyone that has paid taxes in their lives know better than to vote Democrat.

    B. Anyone knows that they wouldn't let minimum wage peasants soil their party with their non-elite Walmart bought garments.

    Democrats letting the working class attend their convention, LOL!!! BBBBBBBBWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Thanks for my morning belly laugh.

  5. ...what?

  6. No,They'll just have a bunch of illegals do the work .

  7. No. you republicans need to get your stories straight. Don't you people try to claim that all democrats are on welfare?

  8. Will the Minneapolis Airport Mens room be closed during the RNC???  

  9. Anyone who works at a legitimate job should never be put down like you cons like to do to them. Are you proving you cons are the elitists  thumbing your noses at working people??  Shame on you.  

  10. That's not fair! You forgot about Popeye's and KFC.

  11. i'm glad that opponents of obama have a lot of respect for the working class. the republicans really identify with and share the concerns of america's everyman.

  12. Of course nothing will shut down during the RNC, because they don't have jobs at all.  

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