
Will Mccains vice president choice help his chances against Obama?

by Guest10867  |  earlier

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If your answer is no or yes please provide a reason why.




  1. Absolutely it will help him

    Shes a reagan conservitive which will help bring the party together, she fills in the gaps where hes weak, which is what a vp should do, she brings environmental and experience to the table just to name some.

    Ill let you search Y!A for more. this has been asked 1000 times today

    OMG she did accept the nomination. you b***s are so ill informed its sickening

  2. No ; I don't know who McCain's advisors are telling him.

    Bad move, Mr. Sr. Citizen.

    Obama/Biden '08 McShame/Palin NO WAY!!!!!

  3. I think its going to help gain Hillary Clinton  supporters  

  4. I think she might have helped him today, but once America gets a load of her extreme right wing politics they are not going to think she is enough the part of mainstream America to represent everyone.  The problem with creating a sensation now is that it is still a long way to the election and the shock is going to wear off and people will start taking a good look at where she stands or does not stand on the issues.  I think that she will set women's rights back a hundred years if she is VP because she definitely does not represent the modern working woman's views on politics.  Do  those of you support her really know where she stands on the issues?

  5. NO, McCain just screwed himself by picking someone that has even less experience than Obama

  6. I believe that according to doctrine that should not be my prime consideration, though I should consider, that being a believer in Christ, which ever, hastens the return of Jesus the Christ. For we believer's in Christ fail to continue to believe, we do it at our conveniences, back and forth, but faith does not yield at an voting box, but what accomplishes the ultimate end for us. Or have you failed to believe since you believed.  

  7. Perhaps---but not with me.  His choice means that I'll be voting for Obama.  Sorry John, you blew it.  The one chance you had of getting me to vote for you and you throw it away.

  8. no

    u can't counter inexperience with inexperience

  9. Yes.

    The fact he would pick a woman for his VP, regardless of how conservative he is, shows he is trying to appeal to many of us who supported Hillary Clinton.

    It pretty much locks in my vote, and I supported Hillary Clinton.

    I think McCain has pretty much won the election at this point, as Obama is going down in the points, and will probably plummet, after this.

  10. It will help.  Other choices would have been to try to win just one state, while the choice of a woman means that a certain number of bitter Democratic women, the NOW gang etc. may switch sides.  She also provides a counterbalance to McCain's maturity.  It sure makes this whole election a lot more interesting.  

  11. I think it will help him and that is because she has a terrific record as governor, and integrity. She has an 80% approval rating in her state. That has to mean something. Shes been smart enough to do all of that. I think shes gonna really show that strength when the debates start. Shes also a conservative, thats helped McCain with them. I know alot of people who are conservative that didnt really like McCain that now feel a whole lot better about voting for him. Im one of them.

  12. No it will hurt him hopefully she will not accept the nomination and we  can move on

  13. no because the obama/biden ticket now has more experience than the mccain/palin ticket

    actually scratch that. palin brings the ENORMOUS advantage of helping mccain defend ALASKA and its 3 electoral votes

    honestly palin looks more like the candidate and mccain the vp, not the other way around

  14. He hurt his chances

    This choice was obviously deliberately divisive, not intended to help the nation but to carve and damage the electorate with "s*x warfare".

    I doubt that it will work, he picked the wrong woman with the wrong qualifications (none).  

  15. Yeah, he gets all the hardcore Hillary-ites who were LOOKING for a good reason not to vote for the coloured boy---NOW they can say they went with the "historic" choice of a woman instead...never mind Geraldine Ferraro!

  16. Is a frogs @ss water tight???????????

  17. No but it will help him shore up his support among rank and file Republicans.  They weren't exactly enthused about McCain.  Palin is seen as a staunch conservative...unlike McCain.

  18. I think it will hurt him.

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