
Will Michael Phelps be Knighted?

by Guest59145  |  earlier

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Considering hes the greatest olympian ever with 7 golds and another one tommorow, he certainly deserves to be Knighted.

True hes not a British Citizen but I found out that aparently there are people who are not British citizens still get knighted.




  1. As he's not a British citizen, he can only accept an honorary knighthood, and can't call himself "Sir". But given his commitment and achievements, hopefully he might be considered in years to come. He may need to do more for services to sport and charities first yet, but definitely an option.

  2. No, I wouldn't have thought so.  If he had any connection with the UK then I think it would be a possibility, but as far as I know he doesn't.  Foreign Citizens are not often Knighted and when they are it's an honorary title (so he would be unable to call himself Sir Michael).  

    Modern criteria for receiving a Knighthood are usually something along the lines of "making a significant contribution to national life".  

  3. Not to worry possum,the American people will find some way to reward such outstanding dedication and effort.Personally ,i think he will be detained by the Chinese police for trying to smuggle all that gold out of China.

  4. i really don't get your point.

    why would he be knighted?

  5. Michael Phelps is American and he doesn't have a King or Queen.  The question you asked is:

    "Do you think any King or Queen will Knight Michael Phelps?"

    Personally, I think he should.  I'm Brittish and should really be saying this, but at Beijing he has performed as one of the best.

    Michael Phelps deserves it.  Seven golds!  That's alot!

  6. NO i am afraid he cannot be knighted because he is not a british citizen or from the commonwealth ,but he could be given a honourey one

  7. hi

  8. i agree with you he desevers to be because he is the greatest olympian ever with the 7 gold near to be 8 more than anyone has ever got

  9. I hope not

  10. I doubt it. If he was British I can assure you there would be no question.

    People who aren't from the Britain can't receive a full knighthood, but they get what is called an Honorary Knighthood, but Micheal Phelps would still need some connection to the UK.

  11. I hope not! His head might explode!

  12. people who get knighted should do noble deeds not do a bit of swimming...........

  13. I never knew foreigners could be knighted! Well if that was the case they would have to be in the Empire/Commonwealth! But no he should not! Wow he got some medals big deal! Sports people should not get awards like this, i think only the military and people who have been brave etc should get them!

  14. True there have been some non-Brits knighted - but they have usually helped Britain in some way.  What has Phelps done for GB apart from breaking a few hearts in the pool?! But his is a great achievment nonetheless. I'm just wondering if Rebecca Adlington will get a Dame-ship, same as Kelly Holmes. I mean, why not? She's achieved the same, if not BETTER since Rebecca won the first Olympic Swimming Gold for women in 48 years!

  15. Am I the only one who is sick of seeing Michael Phelps on the TV ? Wonderful swimmer, great athlete, but I wish he would stub his bleeding toe !!!

  16. Our own swimmer has 2 gold medal.s She should be a Dame.

  17. Only foreigners who have contributed something to the UK. get a knighthood and it is only an honorary title...Who the fug is Micheal phelps?

  18. michael phelps is s**y

  19. Yeah, Phelps excellent, another gold for him tomorrow aswell!

    Wiked athlete! :]

  20. Nope that would be silly.

  21. In my opinion, there are far better people in the world that should be knighted. Not him. Sure, he's a great athlete, but not now.

  22. He may be the greatest swimmer ever, but that doesn't make him the greatest olympian ever. Not every sport has 10 chances to win gold. For example

    100 freestyle

    100 butterfly

    .............. and on and on.

    Some only have one chance to win it.  

  23. Yeah, and Michael Phelps will be the only Knight that will be able to defend the queen in times of national emergency.

    Who else is going to do it... Mick Jagger?  Elton John?  (Pfft.)

  24. Its unlikely, to get that you have to have done something to do with the uk, so Spielberg got his because a lot of his films were made here. As far as I know Phelps hasn't, I'm sure the US has a fitting honour for him.

  25. He has enough with his gold medals,And fame.Well done mr.Phelps

  26. well america was once a british colony so think it can be done,

    i don't recall any americans being knighted though.

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