
Will Michelle or Obama win an Oscar for the biggest put on category?

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Will Michelle or Obama win an Oscar for the biggest put on category?




  1. Did you make up that name just for this question?  That's commitment.

  2. Michelle is Obama too.

  3. How many houses does McCain own again?

  4. Yes,  I think she should for telling a story about her father and his being a person of responsibility, who worked hard to take care of his family, and then she speaks out of the other side of her mouth to push a socialistic agenda.

    I don't get it!  Did I miss something here?


  5. The best actor award will go to McCain for acting like he has a pulse.

  6. No.  They'll probably win Nobel prizes.  They deserve them even more than Gore. ha!

  7. That will go to McCain for his portrayal of an aging, wealthy POW with PTSD who manages to convince people that he is down-to-earth and justifies every flub and gaffe by saying "I'm a war hero".

  8. Oscars are awarded for movies, not political conventions. However, John McCain actually does act in movies (The Wedding Crashers) and TV shows (24).

  9. I'm more interested in getting the names of the Producers and the source of the money they have invested in the show.

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