
Will Mini Camcorder Disc fit in my computer?

by Guest32894  |  earlier

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I have a camcorder and it uses like "mini discs "

I want to get some vidoes on to my computer and theres no USB spot will the discs fit in my computer CD-ROM?




  1. Since you did not tell us which computer or what optical drive, it is difficult to help you.

    If your computer has a slot loading optical drive, NEVER put a miniDVdisc in there. You will break the drive and scratch the disc.

    If your computer has a drawer loading optical drive, the minidisc will fit - just put it in the middle of the drive - some optical drives have a mounting "spindle" - the miniDVdiscs will fit that, too... BUT, if your optical drive will only read CDs, it will not be able to read the DVD data on that disc, so it does not matter if it fits - if it is a CD-ROM as you have indicated, it will not be able to do anything with the DVD information on the miniDVdisc. You need a drive that can read DVDs... externals are getting pretty cheap.

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