
Will Monica Lewinsky be making an appearance at the DNC Convention?

by Guest64382  |  earlier

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If not, will she have a doppleganger there? Or, will an entirely new and different breed of "intern" be on hand to give lip service to the Dems?




  1. No. Probably not. Liberal tolerance only goes so far.

    About as far as the threshold.

  2. She'll be under the podium and available as needed

  3. I would say she has about the same possibility of showing up at the DNC as McCain's first wife at the RNC.  

  4. No, Monica declined the invite.  She said the dems left a bad taste in her mouth.

    Totally stolen from another YA user - wish I remembered his/her name to give proper credit!  :)

  5. You wish, it was the last time you really enjoyed yourself.

  6. She will not be making an appearance at the Democratic convention


    The over 3000 troops that Bush sent to their deaths predicated on lies will not be making any appearances during the G O P conventioneither !!

  7. i would vote for monica, at least i know what she wants and its probably more than obamas getting

  8. for that,here is a cigar!

  9. yeah, and you can catch it on fox news

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