
Will Mr Obama and The Wife self destruct before...?

by  |  earlier

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November or will his handlers save him until the voters throw him out?




  1. It appears that the self destruction is taking place now.

  2. self destruct...she more than he has a tendency to run her mouth and no matter how much she tries,some smart cookie of an interviewer will trip her up...or him if they can get to him before The Handlers step in....

  3. I don't know if you can stump a smart guy like Obama he's a Harvard lawyer do you think he's not used to being questioned?

    All I know is does McCain have "handlers" or is he just that smart on his own?

  4. his handlers watch him pretty close,they also orchestrate his questions beforehand to prevent his mouth from running away...The Wife is the wild card and I think she will be the one who scr*ws the pooch for him....she is such a racist that all it will take is just one question phrased a certain way and she will blow sky high

  5. You wish.  This isn't "American Idol" (though I can understand why you might mistake it for that).

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