
Will My Baby Look More Asian?

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i've heard that asian genes are usually dominant. and i'm half black(dad) and half white(mom) i look mixed. not dark but brown skin and curly hair. my babies father is full iu mien(from thailand). i want our baby to look more asian, but i dont care either way. so what do you guys think? will it look more asian or mixed?




  1. Yeah. Their eyes and noses will be stereotypically curved towards the asian-nes, but the black hair gene will probably dominate, along with typical brown-haird-ness

  2. baby will most likely look mixed (black -white) with her fathers eye will be a beautiful baby!

  3. Your son will favor Tiger Woods.

  4. I'm sure your child will be beautiful. The dominant gene is usually comes from the fathers side. My mom is black (very dark) and my sisters father was mixed (black mother / white father), she can pass for a white women as long as she stayed out of the sun.  

  5. Hmm...I'm not sure we can tell you that, but I've "heard" darker genes are more dominant, but I dunno. Good Luck though

  6. I D K..?????? ever watch Jon and Kate???? lol.....  I bet your kids will be beautiful!!!!!!!

  7. if it doesnt look asain, u can put a straw hat on it and call it chow ming then noone will know

  8. Your baby will probably be mostly asian-looking. Asian physical genes are very dominant. Black hair texture is also very strong, so I don't know how the hair will look (although, I've never seen a naturally curly asian...)

  9. probably more asian.

  10. I know your baby will be cute regardless, those are a nice combo of genes.   black genes are also dominant as well as asian genes so these will probably be the most prominant ones seen in your baby.

  11. Hm, I've seen a lot of white/asian kids & most of them look decent. I've never seen an asian kid who looks more asian than the other race in its blood. Wait, I don't think that makes sense.

  12. You're baby will more than likely have more Asian features.  I'm sure s/he will be gorgeous!

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