
Will My Public High School Provide the Textbooks I Can Use for Homeschooling?

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Will they? I'm thinking about trying a year of HSing because I want to have a nice, fast-paced education this time around; I may want to continue my homeschooling afterwards. (I'm in 9th grade). I'm also in honors classes, but the text books are mainly the same as regular classes besides my science book, which is honors only. Also, could they set up something that would allow me to be assessed and have my work graded each week while allowing me to study at my own pace (I will unschool myself)?




  1. I don't think so.  You should check out the curriculum they are using and get it yourself.

    Sign up to take your tcaps there for assesment.

  2. Do what I did.  Go to the HS principal and tell him/her you want more of a challenge.  Tell them that you'd like to jump to college now.  You can do 1/2 time the first semester or year in case you don't have all the minimums.  It took years off my time in public schools.

  3. Some states have Public School at home programs and some don't.  Within the states that do there are some districts where they are available and others where they are not.

    You can find out more at

  4. no

  5. First of all, most schools are not obligated to provide textbooks if homeschoolers request them and are not willing to do so otherwise. That is, unless you are in some form of an at-home study program offered through the school (most schools do NOT do this).

    Second, if you are going to unschool yourself, there's no way the school is going to be willing to mark your work for you. If you mean instead that you will do the same course work just at your own pace, that could potentially be worked out with the school. You really need to talk to them.

  6. yes. public homeschooling (cyber or with a tutor) is free.  in some cases, if you do the cyber schooling they will even provide you with a computer.

  7. i dont think so ask your school you must be on thier program to get thier books

  8. Usually no

    You can BUY them yourself or maybe check them out from a library.

  9. I think you have to buy your own curriculum.

  10. i dont think so

  11. Public schools can provide the textbooks if they have a on-line program.

    This however is not home schooling, it would be doing school at home, since you will still be a public school student; tied to their schedule, and requirements; you will not be able to "unschool" yourself during that time.

    If you want to home school, your parents need to withdraw you from the school, notify, or register you according to your state requirements for home schooling found at

    After doing so you choose, and buy your own curriculum based on your ability, level, and interests.

    Home schooling means you take charge of your education, your parents are the primary teachers, or guides, you set the time, place, and choose the pace, as well as the method of instruction that fits your individual needs best.

    Unschooling is a "method" of home schooling that uses little, or no textbooks, requires no tests, since learning is based on interest, and mastery of the subject; not mere completing a book.

    Unschooling is the method used by many families who believe that one learns best by doing, not just reading about it.

    This is by far the best alternative to traditional schooling, but requires a great deal of self motivation, and decication, because you will have to find many unconventional avenues to accomplish your goals; one of the main benefits is seeing young people planning, and becoming really resourceful, a great skill for the future.

    I have not seen a textbook on that yet.

    Several good way's to achieve these objectives are volunteer work, 4H, part-time jobs, and apprenticeship programs.

    Good informational site:

    Hope this helps.

  12. no, they won't do that.

  13. I don't think you would be allowed to unschool yourself. However, where I live in the city of Chicago, the public school system will loan the books to homeschoolers; the homeschoolers are responsible for buying any workbooks or supplemental texts.  (I have never opted to do this though.)  However, I don't know if that is the case in your city/school district; you can check and see.

    You may want to find out if your state/city offers a "public school at home" option via a virtual or charter school.  If so, this may enable you to move along at a faster pace.

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