
Will Naruto Ever become Hokage?

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Will Naruto ever surpass the rank of genin.

Will Sasuke kill the 8tailed freak?

Will naruto become a frog?

what is pein up to now?

Will root overthrow tsunade?






  1. Not on the series, or maybe at the end he will finally make it to chunin.

    No, because popular belief claims Sasuke is g*y and Naruto is the one he wants. Lot of evidence to back that up.

    No, he will become a toad. :p

    Don't know.

    Doubt it.

  2. 1. By paper he's still a genin but by skill level he's chunin. he just hadnt the opportunity to take the exam and strut his stuff.

    2. Sasuke's one powerful b*****d when he has so much motivation to achieve his goal. So yes!

    3. Naruto's just amazing and very hard working so I think he'll learn the senjutsu and possibility create his own twist to it.

    4. Pein is just a freak! Unpredictable so I dunnoo...

    5. Lady Tsunade Is smarter and stronger than that. She'll sent Anbu to kick Root butt.


  3. Not 100% positive, but I'll give this my best shot. ^_^ Answers are in question order.


    -I kinda hope not, and I dont think so.


    -Pfft. who knows there are like 5 or 6 of him. :D Trying to catch Naruto.

    - Hm... cant say.

    I hope its considered "insight" to ya :D  

  4. In the end, I think he will finally become Hokage. But at the very end!

    He already has, but I doubt he will take the Chunin exams. I think that would be a waste to stop the manga just for him to take the exam!

    Probably not, I think he may use him somehow....

    No, the old toad will keep whacking Naruto with the froggy stick of doom to prevent Naruto from becoming a frog

    Good question, if I knew that I'd be Kishimoto, the manga-ka himself!

    No, I think Tsunade will somehow get the upper hand with Root

  5. 1) naruto probably will surpass genin level

    2) sasuke is a deadly freak who doesn't stop until he fulfills his desires so probably he will kill that 9tailed freak

    3)if naruto became a frog, it won't a serious action anymore (hmm was it serious?) it will become a comedy show and naruto would end

    4)pein is a crazy guy trying to kill everyone so who knows? nobody knows what crazy people think about

    5) hmmm.... well tsunade is pretty strong.... I dunno, If she is desperate she will resort to seduction? XD

  6. 1)He already has just not in correct way but he is actually high chunnin level rite now.

    2)Probably. He kills everyone. Remember Deidara.

    3)No. He will learn the technique and surpass Jiraya like he surpassed the fourth by learning rasengan.

    4)Probably trying to figure out a new way to transfer the power of the demons into himself and unleash it on the world.

    5)No. Anbu can take down Root easy.

  7. Eh, rank means nothing, Naruto has already performed better then some jounin.  He will probably go from genin to hokage

    Whos the 8 Tailed freak? I'm sure sasuke can take'em.

    Why would Naruto become a frog?

    I apologize but refresh me on who "Pein" is.

    Root could overthrow tsunade, but I don't think it will happen.

  8. 1. Yes

    2. No

    3. No

    4. I dont no the answer 2 this 1, sry

    5. No

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