
Will Nature of Humans be responsible for Earth's Destrucion?

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Will Mother Nature be respondsible for Earth's destruction or will it be Human's fault. The only reason I ask this is becasue everyone is consetrating on Globlal Warming. In my opinion the Human race will have killed each other off way before a metorite or Ice Age hits.




  1. no mother nature won't be responsible it's just the humans. ever since the invention of the industriel revalution. that's where the problem started; polution. and they will kill them selfs due to threre greed and selfishness all about making mony

  2. nature was here before humans right? so it's both

    humans are bascially causing plouttion and not recyling

    guess probaly 50% of earth is even recyling people are littering and doing bad stuff ok and nature , well nature is

    getting torn down  is  well like forests , jungle whatever if it's not there earth would probably get destroyed so we need both things but both things can be harmful

  3. Humans *are* responsible for the earths destruction. We are destroying the natural world at this very moment, and raping the earth of all its resources. There is no doubt that man kind is responsible for the destruction of the environment. Global warming is simply *one* aspect of the damage humanity is causing. We need to move towards a more sustainable and less destructive future.

  4. Hello

    100% people are responsible for Earth's Destruction.

    1.For HOUSE - We are using Soil/Metal/Cement/Wood/tiles are from Earth

    2.For TRAVELLING - we are using Petrol/diesel/Gas for Car and Two Wheelers, which come from Earth

    3.For ELECTRICITY - We are using Electricity which comes from Thermal Power/Hydro Power etc.

    4.GOLD/ALUMINIUM/COPPER/PLATINUM/IRON / MINIERALS  - We are taking this from Earth.

    No body is bothering to save WATER/GAS/PETROL/ELECTRICITY etc.

    for more details please send e.mail

  5. well just imagine that all the places where there is concrete for buildings or asphalt for roads used to be Nature.

    So that is already a big part

    Then farming has replaced even more

    So we should be taking care of whats left ,

    but the opposite is happening

    People say it is their right to replace nature with civilization ,because it says so in the bible.

    And you may very well be right ,a possible nuclear War is brewing

    the scenario of hate is being set ,for quite a while already

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