
Will New Orleans give in at the last minute, and open the Superdome to hurricane refugees again after all?

by Guest63156  |  earlier

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Right now there are plans for no shelters or emergency services in NOLA after the immediate impact of Gustav. Will the city relent at the last minute and provide services for the estimated 300K who are staying behind to ride out the storm?




  1. I hope they will, I mean there're a lot of people who put their lives at risk cause they just can't make it out of those cities, they deserve shelter and protection.

  2. I don't think so. I don't think they consider it either. The safest place to be is far away from the city.  

  3. i'm sure a lot will stay because they see it as an opportunity to steal more plasma T.Vs'

    the greatest thing about the hurricane is that it is messing up McCain and GOP convention

    say no the hurricane McCain

  4. all i can say is i wish the very best to the people of new orleans and i will hold them in my heart

  5. Great question

  6. why should they the people have been told to leave.They even have transportation for them so there shouldn't be any reason for them to stay .Get out you stupid dumb a** people.

  7. They said no and I hope they mean it because it will scare everyone into leaving and then they'll be safe. God bless them all!!!!!!!

  8. Where do you get the idea that 300,000 people will be staying?

    Even in Katrina - with a much less effective evacuation - at least 95% of the population (then 1,400,000) left before the storm arrived.  About half of the ones who couldn't leave went to the Superdome.  It was the other 2.5% that you saw being rescued from roofs, etc.

    Most of the population that didn't evacuate in 2005 has not returned to the city and therefore doesn't need to be evacuated.

    In any event, transportation to the shelters for Gustav takes people to sites in north Lousianan and even other states, so there is no need to open a public shelter in the city.

  9. The Superdome should not have been opened during Katrina. The sickening display that was Katrina was nothing more than a display of liberalism on parade. Naggan and those bunch of losers right up to Gov. Blanco were perfectly content to let them people remain behind standing by their mailboxes waiting on their next welfare check. The chaos that ensued in the wake of that storm showed the true character of the population of that shithole. It was nothing more than a quest of "who's going to pay my way'? Naggan leftthe buses sit underwater, but had them running during the election to insure that he stayed in power. After Naggan's racist remarks about"chocolate city", I have no compassion at all for that place. Let the super hero "chocolate man" save them.

  10. Most people are leaving this time, that's a bogus estimation. People see that after the devestation katrina caused that they cant take chances again.

  11. Nope! Gov. Bob will let the corpses rot in the streets before he relents and provides humanitarian relief for the victims!   The right wing 'belief' is that govt. is not in business to 'help' people. That kind of activity is viewed as 'socialist'!  There will be NOTHING LEFT TO COME BACK TO!   This will be the beginning of a panic that'll sweep the nation as we realize that AGW is real, and causes very severe destructive weather.Are you ready!?!

  12. I wish People, would stop referring to them as Refugees, they are American Citizens.  I pray that they will all make it to safety.  My heart and prayers, go out to all that is being impacted by Gustav.  

  13. Learn from history or be doomed to repeat it.  They know that the superdome will not work.  BTDT.  In a place so far below sea-level, there is NO place of last resort.  They have made is abundantly clear that ALL residents are to LEAVE. Period.  They have identified those who couldn't get out before and have made them the 1st priority to assist in leaving.  When the mayor, governor and other leaders say, "If you stay, you are on your own" after having been through a major catastrophe before, they MEAN IT!   They did not say that during Katriina.  They ARE saying now and they HAVE to... they don't want anyone staying.  They cannot provide for them, if they do.  They are learning from their history.  

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