
Will Obama and Biden allow Iran to get Nukes?

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Both of these men receive money from Pro Iranian groups,Only want to talk with terrorists




  1. absolutely.......there pacifists.  

  2. They won't "allow" them to, they'll just wag there finger and essentially say "we hope you're being honest with us Iran...we're taking your word now, all that material you are enriching is being used solely for nuclear power plants for the purpose of generating electricity....right?"

    Yes? Ok ...let's shake on it.

    If you're lying, NATO will have come in and do nothing about it too.

  3. Iran is enriching uranium and there efforts are completely in line with their claims of wanting nuclear power. very true that the knowledge they have could lead to future refinement capabilities to weapon grade. But to d**n them for what the could vs what they are doing is inappropriate. Should we stop all third world countries from developing automotive technology because they could build tanks? or stop their agricultural efforts to feed their people because plant cellulose could be made into nitroglycerin?

    would it not be far better to lend Iran the benefit of our experience and help them in every aspect of them getting the power the claim they want so that we can keep an eye on them rather than posturing and alienating them?

  4.   After Obama said he wanted talks with Iran he was blasted by the GOP but now Rice and Bush is saying they want talks with Iran.  So I guess Bush follows the smart advice from Obama.

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