
Will Obama ask the Justice Dept. to force the media to turn their attention back to his messianic speech?

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For a minimum period between now and the end of the long weekend? You know, for "fairness".




  1. Fortunately, for us, the "fairness doctrine" has not become a law, although if he's elected I'm sure the Democrats will be pushing for it.

    He's ticked right now that the lime light has been taken away from him.  

  2. Right now the media is too busy laughing at what an idiot John McShame is.

  3. Well, from what I saw with the "media" people at B.O.'s party, they wont have to be forced. They are more than willing participants. Did you notice the group of " Objective journalists" that were standing, cheering, yelling and clapping for B.O.

    Nope. Noone will have to make them do anything. Pretty much in the tank for B.O. anyway.

  4. Where I live (and it's a red state) they are still talking about how great it was.

  5. Probably, but he is now a has been.

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