
Will Obama be able to fulfil his promise to withdraw the troops from Iraq?

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Will Obama be able to fulfil his promise to withdraw the troops from Iraq?




  1. cant get much worse

  2. who knows what his position will be by the time he gets elected?

  3. Probably not, Don't believe anything those canidates say!  They all promise and most likely won't fulfill their promise.

  4. I don't know. We'll see and find out

  5. If there is a way, he will do it.

  6. No, and not a chance for him to be president. He wasn't honest in the very beginning with being a part of a racist church and having a racist pastor as a mentor who is anti-America. Not a chance.

  7. Not right away. But overtime and little by little, he will bring a few troops out at the time. If he were to bring them all out at the same time our country would be very vulnerable. It has to be done very delicately.

  8. Yup. Especially now that the Iraqi people are asking for a time line. They want us gone as much as we want to be gone. I think Obama will honor their wishes and do things as quickly as possible so we can pull out.

  9. He will have no choice, Iraqi prime minister has made it clear, he wants a time table for US withdrawal.

    This is one of the stalemates in the discussions going on between US and Iraq. Iraqis have made it clear that only agreement will be short term and combined with time table for US withdrawal. Iraqi prime minister said ultimate goal is complete withdrawal of US troops.

    So it is near enough what Obama said, with consultation with

    commanders he will slowly start pulling the troops, only leaving enough troops to combat any extremist threat. Iraqis still don't have any viable air force, so air force will be remaining there for a while.

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