
Will Obama be able to keep his VP choice from making anymore racially insensitive remarks and slurs?

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Biden has a history of them, doesn't he?




  1. Biden is going to go on saying what Biden says just as McCain says what he says.  McCain dragged celebretards into this election and can't even win a debate against Mad Donna, how is this guy going to beat Obama.

  2. Not possible.  

    Biden is a walking, talking, bumbling gaff machine.  He does it so often, not many even pay attention anymore.  This guy's stupidity will serve to make Obama look much more intelligent and sophisticated.  Remember, he only has to look smarter than the closest person to him.  First Hillary and now Biden.  

    He doesn't have to look smarter than McCain because he's running against Bush.

  3. Sure he will.

    Now if he you expect him to stop ripping Republicans a new one, you're pipe dreaming.

  4. Biden can do what he wants

    he is " the next President of the United States"

    Everytime I wonder why the DNC has a jackass as their mascot one of their members opens their mouth and reminds me.

  5. Biden acts like he has Tourettes Disorder which causes him to blurt out inappropriate words and phrases at any time.

    Words like "I'm smarter than you", and "Obama America"

    Liberal Writer Saw Biden as a Disaster Last Year

    Hussein has flip flopped faster than Hanoi John Kerry tacked on his sailboard.

    Now watch Tourettes Biden gush all over the guy he couldn't stand a few short months

  6. Who cares?   Biden speaks his mind and isn't a candyass Repuke.

    Obama/Biden 2008

  7. Yes, Biden says a lot of stupid stuff, it will probably come up a bit, but not from McCain.  I don't think that Obama's white opponent is going to lecture a black man for having a VP that is supposedly prejudiced against blacks.  

    Anyway, while I think the stuff on your link could be construed as racist, it's really not.  He was pointing out Obama's strengths...and we've found he's right...Obama gets a lot of attention because he is an articulate black man, and he does better in areas with large black populations.  Republicans have said the same thing, they just do it a bit more tactfully.

    Won't stop other Republicans though.  Still hearing about the magic "whitey" tape that nobody can produce, still hearing about the racist thesis that supposedly Harvard is hiding (even though a pdf of it is on their library website).  Won't be any different with Biden.

  8. considering obama is a racist himself, i seriously doubt it...

  9. Let's hope not that way cons will vote for him.

  10. This ought to be interesting.  

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