
Will Obama be the first affirmative action president?

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Will Obama be the first affirmative action president?




  1. Sorry, but his door was just closed with Sarah Palin having been chosen by McCain, as his Vice President.

  2. I hope not. While my vote is for Obama, I really hope he doesn't get too carried away by the liberal media.

    I understand, that in his speech yesterday he had to talk like that because he is trying to appeal to everyone.

    But if in office, I hope as he put it "everyone has a fair chance"

    reverse-racism. reverse-sexism . and reverse-?????

    is not what i call fair.

    Yes I am a black man, but I would hate to feel that i got a job, because a company need its 'token black man" in the same way I'd hate to be passed over for a woman, or someone g*y, because the company has enought men already.

  3. I didn't see us giving him any advantage because he's black.

  4. I hate to tell you, but affirmative action doesn't make a person pull a lever in the voting booth.

  5. Obama earned everything he's accomplished through hard work and determination.  Bush was born into a wealthy and powerful family.  He never had a real job when he was younger, and always started at the top in everything he did (when he did something).

    Nice try.

  6. I certainly hope so

  7. Well first I believe you must know what affirmative action is, reverse racism?  I do not believe he will be because if he is, he will never be re-elected and that is for sure.  (if he beats mccain in the first place).

  8. The Democrats are sure trying to make it so.  

  9. You can't elect a President through Affirmative Action; that would make elections totally irrelevant.  It IS kind of a funny thought, though kind of racist as well.

  10. if main stream media had their way  -    yes

    lets see how the American voters feel about this Professor

  11. Obama has said he doesn't support affirmative action, because it doesn't go far enough.  Instead, he wants sweeping social programs that would disproportionately favor minorities.  That is what he said.

  12. no i don't think he is fully supporting it.  He fears he might lose white voters

  13. well i dont think so, i think he will be known as the senator from illinios that once ran for president.  

  14. i honestly do think he will.

    i don't want either of them in the office but that's just me.

    i think clinton should of stuck it out. she would of been of surprised if she had.

    but i think obama will do some more good than mccain.

  15. Unfortunately affirmative action has nothing to do with this election and i know where you are going with this. The 'time' that we live in calls for total change because almost everyone is dissatisfied with everything going on in America, the only ones that are living it up are 'rich whites' and it's middle class (if they still exist) and poor white people that are craving a change from the norm (white man 4 prez). Black people built the foundation for this country, numerious inventions and ideas that they did not get credit for, the fashion industry is patterened after them, almost all movies are related to them in one way or another. What God put in them would come back to the surface at a designated point in 'time' and we just happen to be at that 'time'. What you are witnessing is nothing compared to what God is about to do on a whole concerning the Black Race. These people are "ANCIENT" and many of them don't know their legacy, so affirmative action has nothing to do with it. The Bible says; i will take the first and make them last, take the last and make them first, as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end. We are at that end, and Blacks ruled in the beginning and that statement has nothing to do with SUPREMACY.  


    are you serious right now?

    hey - i think the wind blew your white sheet behind you- go run to get it.

    obama is the best and better choice. he is an intelligent human being and more of a moral and caring (for this nation- not for his own pockets) man than the 80 year old will ever be.

  17. I'm sure some bigoted idiots will portray it that way after he eats John McCain's lunch in November.

    Have fun!!!

  18. Yes he is. I asked this exact question months ago. He doesnt have the proper credentials instead he is chosen based on racial reasons to undue centuries of discrimination. And likewise, Palin has been chosen VP for gender reasons, poor reason in my opinion.

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