
Will Obama be to America the same as Mugabe to South Africa?

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Will there be a lot of racial tension and racial mistakes made?




  1. You mean, will they ignore him completely? Probably.

    Mugabe is President of Zimbabwe, and the South African government have done a terrific job pretending that there isn't a problem and that Uncle Bob is a nice guy really. So they have globally ignored Mugabe. Once McCain has been elected as I expect he will be - as much because of distrust of Obama as for any other reason - then Obama will be utterly ignored too.

  2. Nope... the other guy will win instead

  3. Yes.You bring sense to the C&G section too. Neo-Panthers,NOL.La's a powderkeg.

  4. I am sorry you are in the wrong forum. Are you told that we support failure predictions?

  5. IF he wins, emphasis on IF, then it will take three years before we will get to know of his F*&^%$*&ups.

    As there is more racists in USA than Africa, I do not think he stands a fair chance to win. Lots of money will have to change hands for that to happen. Who's to say that they make him President just so that they can collapse the US economy afterwards and blame the reason being there was a black guy in the driving seat?

  6. Mugabe is in Zimbabwe not South Africa....

  7. Obama is the product of Corporate America whereas Mugabe is the product of Soviet Russia so no comparison.Obama is riding the sympathy for Blacks wagon at the moment but hopefully Americans will waken up at the booths and elect McCain. The Obama will be consigned to the bin of failed AfroAmericans such as Jesse Jackson and Malcolm Xcrement.

  8. no, Obama is nothing like Mugabe. And unlike in Africa, blacks don't outnumber whites in the States, so even if Obama wanted to pull Mugabe-like stunts, he wouldn't get very far. Anyway Mugabe's argument is that "Africa belongs to Africans, ie blacks"... In the States if anybody wanted to use that argument (who the country originally belonged to), then whites and blacks would have to leave USA because the Native Americans/American Indians are the original inhabitants of USA. Good thing that Obama is nothing like Mugabe, he doesn't pull the race card and favour blacks, in fact he tries to encourage African Americans to take responsibility for their own lives and not blame other people.

  9. Firstly Mugabe has no relation to South Africa; he's Zimbabwean.

    Secondly, I don't think Obama is a dictator as Mugabe is. They are totally different people with different goals & abilities. The two can never be compared.

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