
Will Obama come back from Iraq with his tail betwixt his legs?

by  |  earlier

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He may become enlightened, assuming Jesse didn't pull everything off.




  1. He will not, he will flip flop and say he is "revising" his stance and all of his sheep  (oops) I mean constituents will say he is not flip floping that has been his view all along you racist bigot!

  2. I hope so.  A neighbor serving in Iraq was recently part of an escort party for a reporter from ABC news.  This was before the primary was over.  They polled the solders about who they were going to vote for; 54 said McCain, 4 said Hillary and 3 said Obama.  When the report aired no mention was made of the 54 that said they would vote for McCain.

  3. Oh no. He'll be yapping & jumpin' around like he just got a new bone. & the media will be petting him & congratualting him.

    What a farce.

  4. God, no. He's not going to see anything real over there. With the fawning entourage he's bringing, he wont have the time to(he's going, I think 10 countries in 7 days?) and he wont be free enuf to get the real scoop. Plus I'm sure all have been told to softball him like it's the View.

  5. The US invasion and current occupation is a war crime according to the UN Charter. It's time to stop pumping another country's crude oil and make peace with the world.

    Sadly, Obama seems to be one of the good ol' boys supporting the military - industrial - congressional complex. It's time to elect an independent candidate for president. Do you know any intelligent candidates?

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