
Will Obama continue to use race as a wedge and a excuse past the november elections?

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whether he wins or not? the man, and just about everyone similar to him, make EVERYTHING about race...your thoughts




  1. Obama has consistently tried to keep the focus on the issues.  But he also HAS to respond to false claims by his opponents, which, sadly, makes him address "race" over and over and other hate/fearmongering tacticts GOP candidates are known for.

    Ridiculous examples?  Obama is THE cause for high gas prices!  Obama is playing the race card!  Obama would rather lose the war, then his campaign!  Obama is a muslim!  Obama is an angry black christian!  Obama is an elitist!  Obama hates America!  And so on and so forth.

  2. No, that's what the Republicans are doing.  

  3. You must be watching a different election race. I haven't seen him using race as a wedge issue. It is a complete exaggeration. I hear his enemies talk about race far more than he does. Only a small percentage of the electorate is black, so there is absolutely no advantage to him using race as wedge issue.

  4. Um, excuse me but when has Obama used race as a wedge? He hardly ever talks about race! I remember clearly his statement that Republicans will propogate fear tactics because of his race, which is true, but other than that he talks about what he plans to do as President! McCain is the unfair, negative politician!

  5. yep afraid so and if that ding-dong get to b president we will have to retreat from iraq and get them towel heads and such outta america....and i will add something else if mccain wins its going to b like bush only he had a facelift

  6. You must not have seen Obama at the Minority Journalists Convention.

    First, these unbiased journalists gave him a standing ovation before they started asking their 'journalistic' questions. They bashed our country all over the place. We're such an evil country -- and all those successful, well fed, minorities with freedom and every opportunity in the world are evidence of that.

    Obama: "I think that there’s no doubt that when it comes to our treatment of Native Americans as well as other persons of color in this country, we’ve got some very sad and difficult things to account for.” Obama said If elected president, he said he would encourage a discussion of a whole range of issues concerning the legacy of such things as slavery

    Get ready to feel the guilt for 4 years, instead of moving forward.

  7. There is almost no way to play the race card as President. Once your President, obviously discrimination is no longer existent in your life. And to what point would he use it after november, anyways? Furthermore, I do not think he is using the race card. He is the democratic nominee I don't think that there is too much prejudice towards him as he is so high up in society. However, Fox and McCain have been using it against. Fox pundits often call him Osama, pundits in most media stations called him a "secret muslim", Fox referred to Michelle as his "baby mama"; there are more examples.

  8. Yes.

    Obama uses race as a distractor. That is one of the techniques that Obama uses to avoid having to discuss substantive issues.

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