
Will Obama ever disclose the details of his long term relationship with a self admitted terrorist?

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Please see the attached article, there are questions as to just how close Hussein Obama is to William Ayers, a self admitted terrorist bomber who has sought to violently overthrow the US government for decades. He was quoted the day after 911 that his only regret was that he hasn't done more bombings. This is the company that Hussein Obama enjoys and cultivates.




  1. No, because it is bad news for Hussein.

  2. This question should come up in the debates. It'll be interesting to see if the commentators ask it. Have you ever wondered why the Dems stay away from Fox News interviews?

  3. Yes, he already has.

    Will the Bush family disclose the details of his long term relationship with a self admitted terrorist bin Laden.

    We already know of his ties to Reagan.

  4. And Bush has links to Saddam through Rumsfeld.

    Sad really.

    Look at the issues, not at lies by rightwing nutters.  There are loads of real reasons to vote for Obama or McCain, and loads of reasons to vote for neither.

    So to answer your question, no.

  5. The "long term relationship" consists of both being invited to serve on the same board.  Obama had no control over that.

  6. no

  7. r u kidding..he won't tell the truth about his uncle rev. wright

  8. OH, I am sure he will when Cheney, Bush and company reveal their financial source and ties to Saudi Arabia financing the Taliban.

  9. No, and the Lame stream media will not allow these troubling details of their Messiah to come to light.  They hate America as much as Hussien Obama, Rev Wright, and Bill Ayers have demonstrated every day of their lives.

  10. No he will never acknowlege anything that might resemble the truth and could cost him votes . I mean he has not even acknowledged the man that built Obama's multi million dollar house for a nominal ( oops I meant Minimal fee ) and then receive acknowledgemenst from congress for his business based on Obama's endorsement

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