
Will Obama going on Bill O'reilly be a positive or negative?

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Today I learned Obama agreed to end the Fox News boycot and appear on the factor tomarrow night, will Bill put him in his place?




  1. Lol Bill will embarrass Obama by showing the country the radical left wing socialist Obama really is! All Democrats look at my avatar and know your place!

  2. Depends on which side you're on. I'm hoping there are no agreed upon questions. I hope O'Reilly (respectfully) let's the hard balls fly!!!!!! I can't wait to see it. Obama (from what I've seen) is not a quick thinker and stutters alot!!!!!

  3. He'll uh, ah, um, er, uh do ah, oh, um OK.

  4. why is going on  o'reilly such a big deal?  it's a friggin' tv show.

  5. Makes you wonder whether Obama has gone back to his coke habit.  Obama can't think on his feet.  He'll be destroyed.

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