
Will Obama sink his chances to become president tonight?

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Will Obama sink his chances to become president tonight?




  1. he will not be president

    he is unexperienced and hes to young  

  2. I really don't know and I don't care. I'll be watching Tennis.

  3. NO

  4. nope

  5. ya prob.

    obama isint going to win i have nothing agenst him but mcain is going to win

  6. No. He will be president.

  7. Political speeches generally are evaluated on one of two levels: delivery and content.

    He's generally a very strong teleprompter speaker. His non-assisted speeches are somewhat lower quality. I would guess that he will have teleprompters available tonight, so I expect a rousing, emotional delivery.

    Pro-Obama partisans will LOVE whatever he says because they will be focused on his delivery only. The rest of us will be listening specifically for content. The media will rave, no matter what he says or how he says it, so I'd guess that he will not hurt his chances tonight.


  8. **No he will secure his place in history!

  9. one could only hope

  10. Obama is almost your president

    Deal with it

  11. why would you even think that? i doubt it

  12. we can only hope so

  13. Even though I will not be voting for him, I think it very unlikely that he will do or say anything tonight that will hurt his chances.  He is in his perfect setting, a friendly crowd, a speech already written for him, and a teleprompter to read from.  

    Only later, when he is once again away from his crutches, will he go back to his slow, methodical, bumbling answers that indicate that either he doesn't know what he wants to say or he is trying to remember carefully what he is saying based on his perceived audience.  

    My feeling is that he can't speak off the cuff from the heart because he doesn't have set convictions about what he believes in.  Therefore, he must carefully think about every answer to make sure what he is saying matching what he thinks he should be saying instead of how he truly feels.


    Oh, this is perfect. After spending all week straining to convince voters that he is a humble, so called all-American God-fearing Christian regular Joe, Barack Obama will deliver his acceptance speech tomorrow night from a structure that  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€Âœresembles an ancient Greek temple.”

    The stage, similar to structures used for rock concerts, has been set up at the 50-yard-line, the midpoint of Invesco Field, the stadium where the Denver Broncos' National Football League team plays.

    Some 80,000 supporters will see Obama appear from between plywood columns painted off-white, reminiscent of the pagan temple of the greek gods, to accept the party's nomination for president.

    He will stride out to a raised platform to a podium that can be raised from beneath the floor.

    The show should provide a striking "eye opening" image for the millions of Americans watching on television as Obama delivers a speech accepting the Democratic presidential nomination.

    Once Obama speaks, confetti will rain down on him and fireworks will be fired off from locations around the stadium wall.

    America is Laughing at the "Audacity" of Barack Obama’s Outsized Messiah Ego and Hope to be President

  15. Very doubtful.

  16. no sir

  17. No unless he tells everyone that we need to not be so selfish and pay more in taxes for his new social programs and his newly created World Poverty Fund.  

  18. he wont....he's got it won... not that im that happy, but i wouldnt be too happy about mccain either... oh well..i should be president!

  19. He has risen to the challenge but will fail.  But, it's only appropriate that Barack Obama would descend down from the heavens and spend a little time with us mere mortals when accepting the Democratic nomination.

    The guy putting together the stage, is the same RDA Entertainment (Bobby Allen) also does shows for Britney Spears and other rock shows.

    Asked who is harder to sat isfy - the Democrats or Britney - Allen replied: "I better not answer that."

  20. Go to for the ice breaker in this election!!!!!!

  21. umm nobody knows yet, so try not to worry ;] Just hope for a good and better president than Bush.

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