
Will Obama start WW3?

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Obama says he will go to the cave where Osama Bin Laden lives. Just one problem, that's in Pakistan. Pakistan has said time and time again, it wants it's territorial integrety respected. If America were to go into Pakistan, that would an international incident which could get really bad. Not to mention Pakistan is a nuclear power, and is not our enemy. But committing these actions could very well make Pakistan our enemy, enrage Islamic opinion and risk sending a pro western government in to the hands of extremists, with a nuclear arsenal.

Your thoughts and views?




  1. WWIII would start during an Obama presidency, not because he started it, but because he will be perceived as weak and ineffectual by America's enemies, so they will become more aggressive and try to exploit out mistake in electing him.

  2. The US has too many other things to worry about right now, such as Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Russia.

    They won't go looking for the cave, but they're likely to put pressure on Pakistan to do it for them.

  3. If he messes with Pakistan he will, and he wants Bin Laden and has said he will not respect there border to get him.

  4. If the US goes into Pakistan I have only one thing to say, good luck to you. Australia's not following behind this time. We've had enough.

    America may be a world power, but them simply invading Pakistan will not begin WW3. They were in Mexico, Afghanistan, Vietnam and Iraq. None of them became a World War.

    Beside, from an outsiders point of view. I hope Obama becomes the new US President, he's a huge improvement to that idiot Bush.

  5. Pakistan does what we tell it to do. End of story.

    It pisses me off more than I can say that the very same people who still for some reason support GWB are so willing - happy even - to let him slide on so many things. Shall I?

    1. He was president on 9/11. He failed to protect those people. Oil policy was his focus for the 8 months he was in office before 9/11. This was not a failure of Clinton or anyone else. George Bush was president. It happened on his watch. He failed. Period.

    2. Bush said he wanted Osama bin Laden "dead or alive" and yet seven years later and nothing. He sends out tapes when he wants, the Taliban has regrouped and is more dangerous than ever, al Qaeda has managed to pull off bombings in Madrid and London and you people still say, well it didn't happen HERE on AMERICAN soil." You know how that makes our allies in this fight feel? Like they can go s***w themselves and everything is about US. Big surprise Spain and the UK pulled out of Bush's war in Iraq.

    So my question is this. If it had been a Democrat in the White House on 9/11 who failed for 7 long years to capture or kill Osama bin Laden, who instead attacked a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 and got 4,000 soldiers killed for no reason at all - how loudly would you be screaming for impeachment?

    now you know how people who use their brain feel.

  6. I think a vote for obama is like giving the whole country to the people that planed 9/11! He has no clue what America is was and will be! He has his plains and I don't think he has said any of them! I havent heard him answer a question with a yes or no! To answer the question YES! That will give him the perfect time to use National Service! OH you might know that as the "Draft"! Do research Educate yourself on how Wrong he is. PLEASE!

  7. It wasn't Obama who was singing "bomb, bomb, bomb Iran". McCain and the Republican crooks are the warmongers.  

  8. He never said that. he said John McCain failed to say it.

  9. Verbally he has already started it, Here we go back to building nuclear shelters again.

  10. No, our own Milliband is already trying to do that.

  11. nah doubt it plus they if anything there would be a recon mission to get bin laden not an invasion

  12. No he will prevent it.

    John McCain "will follow Bin Laden into the gates of h**l". actually come to think about it. it's true. McCain and Bin Laden will certainly meet in h**l.

  13. politicians lie... they say whatever you want to hear to get elected... he didnt say obama would still be there did he....

  14. yes, he will.  

  15. I can't hear your question McCain is singing too loud.

    No, Obama will not start WW3 he'll use a thing called diplomacy, then focus his attention on the terrorist in the country... Not the entire country which seems to be the verse of McCain's song concerning Iran...  There is a big difference....

    But still John "Flip-Flop" McCain is something else, he'll go to the "gates of h**l" but not go to Pakistan...  

  16. I think its amusing to see the Neocons trying to pretend that McCain isn't the dangerous war monger in this race.  What was McCain's first response to the Russia/Georgaia crisis?  Empty-headed saber rattling?  Not a smart move at all.

    We can't afford to take a chance on a hot head.

    Obama/Biden 08

  17. No, he won't start WW3, McCain is your man for that.
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