
Will Obama supporters on YA! heed their candidates wishes?

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"In Monroe, Mich., Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama condemned rumors involving the children of candidates and echoed the McCain campaign argument. Said Obama: "I think people's families are off limits, and people's children are especially off limits."

Or is this nonsense on here going to continue?




  1. no.   they hate too much.

    liberal youth cannot resist their urge to express utter hate.

    the hate from liberal youth will continue, no matter what obama says because they are full of hate.

  2. The posters who sit in judgment and spew rumors and lies are just showing themselves to be immature and incapable of having a rational discussion about politics.  I've been a participant in the forum for awhile, and I don't think I've ever seen such hate.  These people use anonymity to say things they'd never dare say in person.  They are cowards.  Did you just read this, all you cowards?  Good.

  3. Oh, this always pick up and dies down again. If you don't keep feeding it, maybe it will go away faster.

    Like the last time this happened. No, before the Bush twins. Hey, remember all that talk about Chelsea Clinton's drinking? Happened back about, mm, eight-and-a-bit years ago.

    You might have conveniently forgotten.  

  4. Obama said this at the beginning of the campaign and he has restated it today.  Obviously Obama has more class than his supporters.

    McCain/Palin 2008

  5. Its going to continue but its fair because of the republican family values and abstinence only stance. Sorry.

  6. I can't speak for other dems, but I haven't asked anything about Bristol Palin and almost never answer questions about her either.  In the event that I do, my answers are usually like "Leave it alone it's not our business."

    Does that satisfy you?

    And I don't answer that way because it's Obama's wish.  I say that because it's just the right thing to do.  Bristol's pregnancy is nobody's business except for the family.

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