
Will Pakistan be able to win Cricket World Cup 2011?

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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Pakistan cricket team has undergone too many tragedies during 2010. Will they be able to come back with Cricket world cup 2011? How can they do so... please share your views!




  1. YES

  2. Pakistan team is unpredictable. Sometimes they play acceptionally well and sometimes their game is pathetic. The way they have performed recently, it is impossible for them to win the cricket worldcup. When pakistan team won the t20 cup, no one had the idea that they would win. It all depends on their commitment to win..

  3. In prediction Yes

    In reality No

    In performance NO

    In dreams Yes


  4. Pakistan Cricket team is a highly unpredictable team. No one can judge their abilities but i think current Pakistan cricket team can win this title.

  5.  Pakistan in the past have given  some of the memorable performances in the cricket field.Our team still has some of the best players who have the potential to turn the tables at any moment.We just need good planning and less of politics and nepotism on managerial level and things can turn out good for the Pakistani team.

  6. Well at this point Pakistani team is strugling in players performance and co-ordination. Three main strream stars of the team are strugling to get out of spot fixing scandal and in the last few series the team has showed the worst performance. No one can make any perdiction about Pakistani team as they ae very unpredictable. They can make a come back. we have good tallent. In my opinion the PCB mangemnet should be changed. As for as the world cup 2011 is concerned it hink Pakistan can win it if they show good co-ordination and team spirit reardless of every tragedy happened in the past.

  7. yes

  8. I think, yes.... if they're really committed do win world cup...

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