
Will Palin's few remaining supporters turn their backs on her if the "baby daddy" isn't white or a citizen* ?

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*legal U.S. citizen




  1. No.

    Thanks for the two points.

  2. As long as he's not an older goat herder who's married with a kid like Obama's pop was.  

  3. Frankly, I think some of them would in fact reconsider their vote.

  4. I am not voting for Palin I am voting for Mc Cain. He is the Presidential nominee not her.  

  5. Few remaining supporters, oh don't you wish!  We don't abandon our people when they have a family problem, just makes us stronger.

  6. Probably. They seem like a bunch of fair weather friends. I feel sorry for her and her family. Not enough to vote for her, but sorry enough.

  7. Now that would be the perfect storm!

    Breaking news "Palin's soon to be son-in-law" is a Muslim.

    With all the hate about Obama's name, some of us GOP'ers would be pulling out the NRA cards and burning them.

  8. what do you mean few remaining supporters, shes doing fine, its only democrat ***** who blow this out of proportion.

  9. You certainly do not keep up with news, he is white, legal and a very handsome young man, next?

  10. Your pathetic smears keep getting better and better

  11. What the heck are you talking about?

    Are you asking about her daughters pregnancy?

    If you are what does this have to do with her. You must be a racist to even consider this question. Race only matters to racists!

  12. Palin is the worst.  How can anyone besides a person from Alaska approve her?

  13. White doesn't make it right.

  14. Wow, that would be freaking epic if the father turns out to be either "not white" or "illegal"

    Even better! What if the father is Canadian! -This would indeed be epic.

  15. It won't bother me. I'm glad she didn't abort the baby like an Obama supporter would.  

  16. Oh man, imagine if it were an illegal alien gardener or something like that? That would be *muah*

    Maury should have her on

  17. Ohh !  Baby daddy drama.  She would so be out of here.

  18. palins few remaining supporters?

    i like her a more than i like McCain

    haha im gonna get voted down so much on this

  19. Are you serious????

    No, Palin has more in common with everyday Americans than Obama, Biden, or McCain.

    She's an All-American woman that a lot of people can relate to. I think that is going to end up being a huge advantage for the Republicans!  

  20. Are you suggesting that a BI-RACIAL person is less then anyone else?

    What have you got to say about obama?

    He's a mulatto and he is illegitimate.

    What is that a double whammy!

    I'm voting for McCain/Palin 08

    Who turns their  back on a pregnant teen?

    I thought you libs had a heart?

  21. you know they will.

  22. Few remaining supporters?

    She has an 80% approval rating, Dumbo.

    The color of the daddy's skin or his citizenship isn't an issue, unless you're a racist pig. And Bristol's pregnancy isn't an issue.

    And didn't your Messiah tell you that families were off-limits?

  23. None of that makes any difference whatsoever. The Republicans are so enmeshed in what they refer to as their faith or their beliefs that they do not pay any attention to the facts and make their own decisions accordingly. So, the father could be anything and they would turn it into a Biblical principal, that they were, as always, living by.  

  24. V.P. doesn't matter, Biden doesn't matter, Palin doesn't matter, just like cheney didn't do anything (other than shoot a man in the face).  Also, it isn't her child, it is her daughter's child. So she had nothing to do with it, unless she arranged the pregnancy which seems highly unlikely and just plain weird.  I think what needs to be focused on is the real issues.

  25. I wondered about that, too.  This "Levi" dude is in hiding for a reason.  What could it be????????   I can't stand the suspense.  lol

    It would be freaking hilarious if the dude is black.  Not that I, personally, have a problem with that--because I don't.  But the typical Republican voter----at least ALL the ones I know----would have a HUGE problem with that.  

    It would be one more delicious layer in the cake.  

  26. I don't know any Palin supporters that have turned their back on her due to this non issue.  If her daughter has the baby, the baby would be a US citizen because Palin's daughter is a US citizen.  The only people that pay attention to skin color are you and a few other racist trolls that lurk around in here.  

  27. Where did you get the idea that Palin has "few remaining supporters"? Do you have a link to a poll or some information to suggest or support that? Everything I've seen shows just the opposite

    Wishful thinking doesn't = facts

  28. I haven't even met Palin yet.  I heard her speak once for about 2 minutes.  I am looking forward to hearing from her.  Nothing to do with her family would influence me.  

    Obama will fire you if he finds out about this question.

  29. Race and religion have nothing to do with this.  Neither of the parties has a great history when it comes to civil rights (despite the fact that democrats will swear they are the party for all).  The record would actually support the fact that the republicans are actually more diverse.

  30. YOU HYPOCRITICAL MORONS!  Dems are supposedly the open minded ones!  But you are the most judgemental bunch of idiots ever!  As long as the daughter doesn't have an abortion she's taking responsibility for her actions!  I know that is a difficult concept for liberals!  But taking responsibility for one's self is what republicans believe in!   You always cry freedom of speech.  But you want to stop any and all speech that doesn't agree with your warped, self-centered ideas!  As long as someone agrees with you it's open minded....if not it's closed minded.  Just because conservatives don't agree with you doesn't mean we are racist OR close minded.  I put a McCain sign in my yard in within 5 days my car was spray painted.  Within 10 days the sign was in the street and my American flag was on the ground!  FACT!

  31. You go. This is a great one. Let's see how they respond to this one. Remember Palin is one heart beat away from a 72 year old heart. Palin is the vp pick for the republicaans. I am nuetral but have to look at this closer. Now everyone is saying that she has more experience than Obama. She is being investigated for misuse of power because she fired her sister's ex husband. Now we must leave her daughter out of it when Palin was selected because she was against teenage s*x. Just because her son is in the millitary and Alasaka is next door to Russia does not make her qualified. Every time I hear someone say, "Obama is not ready to be the president; he's too young; he doesn't have enough experience; he doesn't have any foreign policy experience; I don't know what he really stands for; he has radical friends; his wife is too militant; he doesn't believe in America, blah, blah, blah, I say "Can you say, I'm not going to vote for him because he's black. These are all code words meaning just that so own it and stop being such a hypocrite."

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