
Will Palin run for the White House in 2012?

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After a McCain / Palin win in 08' and McCain decides not run again...wouldn't it be amazing if Palin and Clinton were the prez candidates in 2012?

Now that would be history!




  1. Hahaha, as far-fetched as that sounds - that would rly suck.

  2. Don't bet on it.

    She's an affirmative action pick (must be:  right wing + woman), rather than the most qualified and ready to lead (like Hillary Clinton).

    Ultimately, Palin is just a tool.   She's a token candidate and they will eat her up and spit her out as needed.   The Republicans will feed her to the media or throw her under the bus the moment it suits their purpose.

    Remember Dan Quayle?   Neither do I.

  3. First of all, I don't think that all of Palin and Clinton's plolicies would work together.

    Second, Aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself?

  4. Hahahahaha.  No because she's on a losing ticket.

  5. Hey Proskyne talking about the affirmative action candidate.Hey pot,meet kettle.

    Palin would be an interesting candidate,she will have 4 years in the white house as a VP,should definitely be qualified.

  6. It would be an interesting thought!

  7. That has been my thoughts since the announcement.

  8. McSame wont win hot lady or not sorry pal. I supose 4 yrs after bush a republican may have a shot unlikely though

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