
Will Palin sing back up to Bomb, Bomb, Iran with McCain at the RNC?

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Was she chosen for her voice?




  1. Right after Barry and Joe sing the "Internationale"

  2. If it is necessary, the government will decide what action to take.If Iran continues to be a threat, I say bomb them back to the age of camel jockeys.I think she has a beautiful voice, you can understand her and there is no nonsense.

  3. Maybe - she is going to sing McCain la la byes at bed time when the 80 yrs old Captain from a war that happened in the last century can't sleep...

    Or maybe in some odd replay of 1950  she will tell Americans how much Iran has upset daddy McCain and if we were all real men we would deal with it so daddy McCain wouldn't have put up with it all .....?

    Who knows -  

  4. she is gona freak out all them rogues like kim jung wu and abdu jina jab..???..with that shreaky voice.

  5. You people have it wrong. McCain sang that he saw a bomb coming down and then he ran. He was a smrt guy, he did what I would do too!

  6. Yes.

  7. yes same way biden was for his hair...

  8. HAHAHA, love the avatar.

    She is a Conservative, and I think you need a soul to sing.

    Too bad for her.

  9. You're a supporter of ama dina blow obama job so blow me.

  10. Another dumb democrat question...can't you guys come up with something of substance? At least give us Republicans a challenge.

  11. Took you all day to think of this question LOL  

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