
Will Paris get the bash while shes inside?

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Im betting yes.




  1. The bash?  No Paris will not get the bash or anything else for that matter.  The Dept of Corrections decided to place her in isolation for the duration of her sentence.  23 hrs a day isolation in her cell with 1 hr allowed to bathe, use phone and watch tv in a pod next to her cell.  The DOC isn't stupid, while sure they want Paris Hilton to serve her sentence, they don't want the publicity or the public out cry if something were to happen to the wealthy heiress...not to mention the legal trouble her parents could bring to the county if they were to act irresponsibly and place the obvious target in general population.  Jail isn't a nice place, but then if your famous and can be somewhat tolerable.

  2. She'll get street cred for living in a posh, luxury suite she had set up for her at the LA County jail. She'll do her time, she'll make calls to all of her friends telling them how cool it is in jail, she will be released, and her fame power will be even stronger. Money is power.

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