
Will Petr ?ech be the Goal keeper of Chelsea in 3rd Oct match?

by  |  10 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Petr ?ech showed great game in the last few matches from Chelsea side. Will he play in the 3rd Oct 2010 match?




  1. jay gohil
    Shergar he is asking about the match on 3rd October 2010
    this match is against Arseanl if Perter check is fit he will definitely play because he is among the best goal keeper in EPL.

  2. Bobmitchell
    there will be no premier league match on 11th Oct 2010 but Chelsea will play against Aston Villa on Saturday 16th October 2010. i think Peter Cech will play against Aston Villa because he is the best goal keeper and in his best form so far.

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This question has 2 answers.


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