
Will Punjab ever be unified?

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Could you also tell the names of some of the major emperors of punjab not all of them some.




  1. it depends on punjabies from both sides. but in near future it is not possible. lot of socio-political changes are required.

  2. No not in near future.

    Jagatjit Singh of Kapurthala

    Ranjit Singh "Sher-e-Punjab"

  3. Yes, Punjab will be unified in future. I can prove it because these are words of Guru Gobind Singh Ji Himself, the Son of God. Guru Gobind Singh Himself had told that there would come a time when Homeland of His Sikhs shall be divided into pieces and they shall lose authority over themselves. It's happening right now but he also said that then there would come a warrior of God so mighty and above all, He shall unify all of the Homeland and all of its people but unify the entire World in one string, making way for Kingdom of God on Earth. Thus bringing an end to all sufferings and sins in the world. Ironically, he won't be received by warm welcome by anyone as to make way for God's Kingdom also known as Satya Yuga, He shall first kill lots of people worldwide as the number of sinners in world shall be very large. This warrior shall be so terrifying that even the Christian Book of Revelations describe the man as "He Who Rides Upon A Pale Horse, His name is Death and Causes Death To Happen To All Who Dare Come In His Way", in Islam, He's called Mir Mahdi, the One who shall bring the Final Judgment of God, Hindu people call Him as "Kalki Avatar" more like "Kal Kay" which means "of Death" and collectively it means, Avatar of Death, exactly like Book of Revelations, the Sikh people just as told by their Holy Master, the Holy Tenth Guru Nanak, Guru Gobind Singh Ji, call him Nehkalank which means "The One Without Fouls and Sins". And all the killings He would commit are to cleanse the Earth from sinner people and He will leave all the few righteous and good people unharmed and will rather give them sorts of gifts and honors for their faith in God.

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