
Will Republican party win this year?

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Will Republican party win this year?




  1. To put it simply:  YES

  2. by the grace of God , I hope not because this country can't do another 4yrs. of Bush like tactics!  OBAMA 08!.......I have HOPE!

  3. his choice sealed the party unity,sealed the christian support and the voice of the womem,     ' its big mac and the little lady'                               now just hide and watch!!

  4. Most likely.  

  5. No way in the world !Unless the Republics  cheat again! Remember Florida?

  6. They have already shown us the neglect and abuse.  How quickly we forget.  $4 @ gal for gas.  Has everyone settled for that.  Oh that is right it has gone down 35 cents.  We just bailed out Freddie & Fannie beginning with  $24 billion dollar btw they wrote the bill for an UNLIMITED AMOUNT.  How is that for small government.  The stockholders got a whole 20% on their divident.  The HOMEOWNER well they get a tax credit of $7,500 IF IT IS A FIRST TIME HOMEOWNER and that isn't even a tax credit.  IT IS A LOAN and you have to pay it back to the IRS.  God help America.

    That is just the begginning.  10 Billion dollars a month in a dishonoralble war that WE ARE STILL IN and paying.  To protect Halliburton the oil company that Cheney the vice president of the United States is still getting paid by. HE WAS the CEO until he became Vice President.  A little note.  Cheney's company did not even have to bid on that contract.  Is that corrupt enough for you.

    Let's go a little furthur.  You know that Corporate welfare.  The money that we are giving all these companies (they call it bailouts).  WE HAVE TO PAY THAT MONEY BACK!  THAT IS OUR MONEY!  What do they do.  Turn around take the money, sell the company to someone else, the stock then is worth........ well lets see Bears & Stearns dropped from 156 to 2 dollars then JP Morgan bought it.  AFTER WE BAILED THE INVESTMENT BANK OUT!  Now remember everyone who owned stock even with OUR WELFARE MONEY TO THEM, WHICH WE PAY, THEN LOST MONEY AGAIN.  WHO GOT THE MONEY?  NOT US.  THEN WHAT HAPPENED........... JP turned around and DOWNSIZED 2,000 EMPLOYEES.......... 2 MONTHS LATER!  GUYS, CAN YOU NOT SEE.

  7. yes!

    Obama is crumbling, and I love it! McCain will win. Just watch.

  8. Yes, Obama crash and burn!

  9. All over the faces of the Democraps!

  10. McCain clinched it today with his VP choice.  Obama might as well pack it up and go back to his Senate seat.

  11. With Obama only ahead by a few points, its looking good for the Republicans. Palin only has to attract a few percent of the women and independents to make the difference.

    Lets face it, Biden buys Obama nothing. Nobody wanted him as a presidential candidate and nobody cares if he is VP either.

  12. As a whole? I doubt it.

    You can't assume they'll take back Congress too.

  13. ewww........ hopefully not....

  14. Yes Obama will crash and burn

  15. If Republicans keep sipping kool aid

  16. Yes unless people want to believe the same ol same ol Democratic promises and lies.

  17. You bet ya, McCain will win by a landslide!

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