
Will Republicans finally drop their opposition to s*x ed in schools?

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Given Palin's daughter's pregnancy and the fact that teen pregnancy rates are higher in "red states" that don't teach s*x education in schools, is it time for Republicans to admit they are wrong on this issue?




  1. Teen pregnancy can not be blamed solely on the education system. I feel that parents could make a better effort as well by talking to their children first. I do still agree with you that schools should teach s*x education, and not just abstinence.  

  2. You let your kid get their education about life in school, mine will succeed in life on the training they get at home.

    Life happens, too bad you don't get it.

  3. It's a wedge issue, see the Republicans will kowtow to the religious right extremist much as McCain with his pick of Palin. He didn't want to pick her but was forced to.

    So I wouldn't hold much hope out for them. The good thing is that the kids seem to be rebelling against this extremism much as Palin daughter did in not staying abstinence when she knew that was the teachings. I do think you are right that if she and her boy friend had s*x education she could have avoided embarrassing themselves with the nation watching.

  4. Probably not.  There's a long traditiion of hypocrisy and willful ignorance and rigid people won't change their narrow views no matter how much things are right under their noses or how counterproductive their policies are..  They'll never admite they're wrong, they'll just keep preaching.

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