
Will Richard Nixon be looked at as a pioneer in the fight against global warming?

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He started the EPA, and also set speed limits to 55 to save gas, however it seems as if he never gets any credit for being the first President to do anything about the enviroment. In the future do you think he will be recognized as one of the first presidents to actually do something in the fight against global warming? It seems that Democrats take all the credit for that.




  1. He has definitely been underappreciated in the environmental field. As someone who has gotten a fair bit of work because of NEPA, I do appreciate him, though, and also the congress (Democratic majority, wasn't it?) that gave him the legislation to sign.

    Unfortunately, he will be remembered more for Checkers and for Watergate.

  2. Just an observation, Democrats and Republicans talk radically differently, but when they get into government they seem to do much the same things.  

    While democrats might talk about protecting the environment, they don't want to hurt the economy.  Republicans talk about helping the economy but they don't want to hurt the environment.  While it suits them to talk up their differences, they seem to govern in a similar way.  

    But what would I know - I don't live in America.  Most Western governments seem to be like this.

    I wouldn't expect a Democrat administration to be radically different to current one regarding GHG's.  I'm sure they'd like to reduce emissions, but only if it didn't cost too much money.

  3. I'm old enough to remember Richard Nixon.  By today's standards he was relatively moderate.  Yes I would give him credit for starting the EPA, a step in the right direction.

  4. No, the Democrats would never let a Republican get credit for any environmental or human right issues. George Bush just signed that bill that was up before congress, none of the Democrats hailed him for that.  But they sure make a lot of noise if he fails to sign a protocol his predecessor also refused to sign or if he tries to allow drilling rights in Alaska.

  5. Because he's a Republican, he will never receive credit for protecting the environment.

    Liberals must maintain the charade that only they are the true protectors of the environment, that Republicans are only people who protect polluters while they travel the globe in Gulfstreams telling others how much they care.

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