
Will Robert Murat get the same compensation deal as the McCanns have received.?

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I am asking the question in terms of slurs both sides have received but neither have been actually proven guilty of anything.




  1. I am sure Robert Murat's lawyer will be arguing that case.

    He is still at arguidos status.

  2. From what I last heard he was closer to having the 'suspect' status lifted than the McScams.  He got all the stuff police confiscated back.  But he's probably not a money grubbing publicity w***e, so just wants to get on with his life.

  3. Doubt it even though he has lost everything! Not fair.

  4. They got an out of court settlement, not an award, I am sure Max Clifford who seems to have taken Murat's case to heart will look after his interests, once he is released from arguido status.

  5. I would like to see Murat awarded the sum of 1 home from Rothley ......

  6. If he had as strong a case against sections of the media as the McCanns did I'm sure there are lawyers who would take it on on a 'no win no fee' basis.

  7. The slurs against Murat were perpetrated by the McCanns.  They and thier clan should be forced to apologise unreservedly and pay compensation from personal funds.

  8. the mc canns got compensation because they have powerful lawyers and connections , it does not prove their innocence

  9. Maybe he should sue - he probably would get a fair sum.

  10. It is up to him to to pursue it.

  11. if he is innocent then h**l yeah he should. they seem to of got so much, and they dont actually seem over botherd their daughter went, how many times  have they cried? how much time have they spent on tv when they could be out looking?

    theres something odd going on there

  12. I doubt it, but he should.

  13. I doubt it.  He doesn't have "the fund" to pay for his legal fees.

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