
Will Russia put a missile defense base in Cuba in response to the U.S. putting one in Poland???

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First I want to say that this will not happen but Russia had no intention to invade Poland but the U.S. is still going to put it in.

Or what will Russia's reacton be? or will they even have a reaction?




  1. Haha!

    good question!

    Turn stuff on it's head like that & watch people's views change!


  2. I think Russia should. That's what I would do. The US government seems to be going out of there way these days to p**s off the world.

  3. I wouldn't be bothered if the Russians wanted to put a defense weapon in Cuba!  For pete's sake!  It's defensive.

    Russia is going to rattle its saber and try to bluff and bluster, but militarily, there's little they can do to a member of NATO.

  4. Hey, if they put an ABM system in Cuba, I'd be happy for them.  In fact, the U.S. offered to SHARE our ABM technology with both the Soviet Union (now defunct) and Russia.

    The difference is that the missiles the Soviets were installing in Cuba were MRBMs -- with nuclear warheads.  Not defensive in nature at all!

    So, is that the reaction you expected from your troll?

  5. The missile defense system in Poland will be between Iran and Western Europe and that is what it is going to be designed to deal with.  (Look up the term "great circle route".)

    If the Russians want to waste money putting in a missile defense system in Cuba that is fine with me.   That would be better than what they are doing now.  

  6. Russia has changed a lot. My guess is they will solidify their relationship with China and use their combined economic clout to knock us around a bit.

    Russia is in the top ten countries that hold our debt. They and China could send the dollar into a tail spin by dumping dollars and can pressure Europe if they choose to sell their oil to their buddy China instead of Europe. China can easily afford to cut us off of a few imported things we have come to rely on them for - if they get more Russian oil in exchange!

    Fighting is so old school.  

  7. No, Russia will not try another Cuban missile play. Cuba will probably not allow it either. The cost to Cuba would be too high. We would simply throw an embargo around Cuba and her economy would completely collapse.

    Our Missile bases in Poland and the Czech Republic are not there to deter Russian missiles. They are designed to prevent Iran and other rogue nations from throwing nukes at us and and others.

    Now that Russia has decided to use military force, in Georgia,  to get her way, however, Poland has demanded that we supply her with Patriot anti-missile batteries to protect Poland from Russia which has openly threatened Poland.

  8. I think they might to try to put missles in Cuba to try and make us look like hypocrites. They may invade Poland in the winter when they can cut off energy supplies to Europe. This will cripple the economies of Europe and the U.S. since oil is sold on the world market. As you can see, the U.S. is worried the Russians are going to take over its former satellites so they are making agreements with the Iraqi' to pull out their troops. That is why Russia will strike now because we are bogged down in Iraq and Europe is weak and doesn't want to fight. When China sees the impotence of the U.S., it will invade Taiwan and indochina to keep up with Russia.

  9. Why would they?  Cuba's the opposite direction from our missile silos to Russia.  We would launch over the North Pole from our land-based missile silos to strike Russia.  

    I've heard Russia threaten to re-establish a military presence in Cuba, but missile defence would be useless there unless the idea was to defend Cuba and maybe Venezuela from missile attack.  If we wanted to destroy targets in either country, we'd probably launch cruise missiles from a submarine located in the Caribbean - no possibility of an ABM interception, as the Russians reminded us when they were busy crapping their pants over the Polish site, and cheaper to boot.

    I'd say that the Russians might want to revive their OFFENSIVE missile bases in Cuba, since there's nothing of value (to the Russians) to DEFEND.  Of course, all of this is intended to impress the folks back home in Russia with the studliness of Putin the First.

    By the way, the Iranians have a Russian cruise missile - the Granit Kh-55/As-15, NATO code name "Kent" - with a range of 3,000 kilometers.   Before the reformist prime minister Yurchenko took office in the Ukraine, 12 Kh-55s were sold to Iran.   Put one on a boat, or one of Cuba's islands, or even a small island off our Atlantic coast belonging to a Caribbean nation (or us), and you can hold the US at risk.  They can carry nuclear warheads.  The Russians may just decide to sell them some nuclear warheads that will mate with the Kh-55, now that they've decided it's safe to tick us off.

    Cheery thought for the evening.

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