
Will Russia sooner or later become a part of the European Union?

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  1. If you had asked this question of few years ago I'm sure most people would have said yes, but their actions of the last week and their failure to live up to even a signed agreement, leave me to believe the cold war will be coming back.  

  2. No, Russia is not an European country and it has its own specific of economics. European Union is not effective organization ... and it will break up in 10 years (i think so)

  3. Why should Russia become a E.U. member? Just to sit on the same table with England, the faithful servant of the U.S.A. interests?

    Or to get orders, as the rest of the E.U. prime ministers and ministers of foreign affairs by the lady who forgot and betrayed the troubles of her ethnic origin by the Ku Knux Klan and supports the same methods?

    Russia must play the role of the "altera pars",  the side that brings an equilibrium to the U.S.A. imperialistic policy, otherwise the world will become a "Yes Master" world....


  4. No, I think the European Union will become part of Russia.

  5. hi,

    i don't think so!

  6. Why would Russia want to become a part of EU. She's doing quite well managing her economy.

  7. Russia is part of the super power countries



    United States

    Russia is a huge huge market, gas and oil for tons and are cheap in compared with United States..the cost of living is stable and dont have economic crisis like in United States..

    after all of this i think NO

    Russia only must be put in action the reciprocity about the visas now Russia is the cheaper labor for the European Union and the United States..Russia must be clear and order the work labor for the big companies around the world, the european union dont use anymore turkey labor or asian labor they use now russian labor..

    in united states the cheap labor in the hotels are the russian labor..

    Russia must be use the same Visa system like in United States, u dont want me in your country i dont want you in my country...

    Chile and Brazil charge to United States 100 dollar for single visa to the american citizen

    Russia dont need of the EU, the EU needs Russia.

    first is a white country

    and second cheap and good labor work

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