
Will SSA reimburse me for helping my disabled mother?

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My mom is now going on disability. SSA told her to have me write a letter saying that I helped my mother financially to live over the past year that she's been unemployed. Has anyone had any experience with this? Do I have to have receipts to support the money I've given to her?




  1. The support money I think you are referring to is used to determine your mother's eligibility, not for you to be reimbursed.  You do not need receipts, they take your signature as proof.

  2. I thought this policy went out the window long ago.  Any money or help that provides her shelter/food/clothes will be deducted from monies that SSA are paying her.  Personally I would keep my mum on this so she could collect the max amount.

    However if you wish to provide her with an airline ticket to Disney World, SSA has no problem with that gift.

    Crazy system!!!!

  3. She is your mother and should took care of her in the first place and without expecting money for doing this..Don't be so greedy...Now if helping her put you in deep financial  trouble then I could understand..

  4. Social Security will pay for a home health care worker and that could be you. I'm not sure how it works. Go to the Social Security website and look for it.

    You are not being greedy. When someone is disabled and ill, there are a lot of other expenses. You need all the help you can get so take it if you can get it.

  5. Yes you would need receipts. If she stayed with you rent free - you can use your rent, utility, etc receipts. If you use a credit card you can use those receipts. If you have canceled checks those would work too.

  6. The best advice I can give you is to visit or call the local SSA office to confirm in what your mother told you.

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