
Will Sarah Palin's belief in Christian Identity Theology help the Republican ticket? ?

by Guest62444  |  earlier

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  1. Wow...scary stuff. There goes the Jewish vote, the moderate vote, the so-called disenfranchised Hillary vote etc etc.

    Heaven help us if this religious nutbag is elected

  2. It will be very harmful , because Christian Identity believes among other things that Jews are the spawn of Satan and Blacks are mud people without ant souls. Only whites are pure and they call themselves the real Hebrews

  3. Oh yes...they says she loves arms...very christian!!!

  4. No it want help it will hurt McCain.

    There are many  question that need to be answer about the Mayor from Alaska Palin .We know Gov. Sarah Palin has some baggage that makes her a pretty risky choice for McCain: she's embroiled in an abuse of power investigation, was for the infamous "bridge to nowhere" before she lied about being against it, is pretty cozy with corrupt Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens, doesn't exactly know what the vice president's job actually is, etc., etc.Palin is not ready to be president .

    OBAMA BIDEN 2008

  5. NO, I saw a christrian conservative on here this morning who said that the south is praying for Obama. He said he is a humble Christain man. He would win in the southern states & W. Virgina, too! He had a very nice conscise list of why Obama was their pick. I see the polls going up for Obama & him not being caught. The people who would vote for becausse of Palin were already voting for McCain anyway. The idea that he thought he would get Hillary's women shows he knows nothing about real women. Hillary supporter's are not plastic headed Barbie dolls & he has insulted them.

  6. What do you know about Palin's Christian beliefs? Apparently not much.

  7. Great pic, dude.

    US Needs Arab Oil

  8. Depends on

    What do conservative Christian believe about women leadership.

    Some feel that the man should lead.

  9. "As for experience she has more than Obama."

    I think it might be wise for you to actual follow politics and ideas before you comment on situations such as these.

    Obama was elected United States senator in 2004 and served in the Illinois state senate for eight years prior.

    Palin has not even served two years as governor of Alaska.

    Her beliefs are absolutely ridiculous. She wants to make abortions illegal in ALL cases including rape and incest. She wants to teach creationism in PUBLIC schools. She doesn't give a c**p about the environment. She is more right wing than John McCain. If McCain is elected I will stand by him 24/7 to make sure he doesn't die and send the US to h**l.

  10. You shouldn't talk bad about Sahah Palin. She fought valiantly against the Al Qaeda mooses in Alaska.

  11. Do get a clue people

    its all a media manufactured circus!

    Both McCain and Obama are total sell-outs to GREED INC.

    This Nov.

    abandon the Donkey and the elephant!

    reject  the media circus!

  12. Her beliefs make her a better VP candidate in my opinion.I am glad to see he picked someone with morals.As for experience she has more than Obama.

  13. Biden's Catholic, and Obama says he's a Christian (and I give him the benefit of the doubt on that).  I see no difference between a Christian and another Christian.

  14. It has already energized and mobilized a previously soft Republican base.

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