
Will Sarah Palin's daughter's pregnancy affect her ability to be a good Vice President?

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And how is her daughter's pregnancy an example of Republican hypocrisy? Did her daughter know anything other than abstinence only birth control? Does this make Sarah Palin a bad mother??





  1. Yes it should because Republicans are just a bunch of hypocrites, here she (Palin) is against a woman's' right to choose and preaches abstinence BUT her VERY OWN UNWED YOUNG daughter is pregnant, how hypocritical is that??? I'm glad that this story broke, she's an unknown joke of a running mate.  They (the repubs.) need this to blow up in their faces, HYPOCRITES!!

    Obama/Biden '08

    YES WE CAN!!!

  2. Unfortunately it will.  Palin spent most of her time supporting abstinence and spoke against teenage s*x or out of wedlock s*x.  She also even tried to stop s*x education in schools.  Total hypocracy if you ask me.

  3. I think Palin has proved that she can carry on working despite the unexpected events of life.

    Obama's mother was 18 when she had him; maybe that means he shouldn't be President?

  4. It says that her daughter did not have enough sense to get on birth control and her boyfriend was clueless how to use a condom. No one can watch their kid all the time...It comes down to her daughter, she could have said no but did she? That is her fault.

  5. I'm more concerned about the fact that she has her own baby with Down's Syndrome and the needs of that baby.  I think this shows that those who think they know better than anyone else how we all should live well, let's just say "those who live in glass houses should not throw stones"...

  6. The last part first. Yes--if Sarah Palin taught her daughter nothing but abstinence (leaving aside the fact she obviously did a lousy job of that) it does make her a bad mother. Leaving your child without knowledge of alternatives just to satisfy an extrimist religious doctrine is not being a good parent.

    Does Bristol's pregnancy affect Palin's ability to be VP? No. What it does is provide still more evidence  that she lacks the ability in the first pace.

  7. Maybe the fact that she's 44, under FBI investigation has Nearly No experience, has a shady pass and 5 children the baby being 6 months... All that might affect it a little.....She's not a bad mother but she should focus on her family of 7 not practice with a country full of millions

  8. It does make me question her parenting and ability to instill values in her daughter but this has only minimal relation to her decision making as VP.

  9. Unlike Republicans, Obama supporters don't settle for good. We only settle for the best.

    Obama 08*

  10. She has a teenage daughter who is pregnant who needs a lot of attention, a 4 month old with Down's syndrome, 3 other kids, long hair and high heels, I doubt she has the ability to be president.

    I don't wanna be sexist, but I am a woman, it takes me a lot of time to get ready in the morning, and I neither have kids, long hair, nor do I wear high heels because they make me exhausted at the end of the day.

  11. I think her decisions regarding her family shows how much of an effective V.P. she will be. I feel as if she doesn't care for anyone except her self she's a narcissistic type of person and she wont let anyone or anything get in her way It's actually extremely sad.  Also since when do Conservatives support a woman being VICE PRESIDENT? I cant even go to church in PANTS without getting shunned but whatever

  12. They have money and nanny's at their disposal. She doesn't even have to see her kids and they'll be taken care of one way or another.

    I love idiots who spell r****d, "retart." lmaolololol

  13. If she is a good parent, then it would (She also has a child with Downs Syndrome as well).  If she is more concerned with her political career than her family, then it won't.

  14. no, because she won't be the vp. look for her to either withdraw early or get blown away on the mccain ticket. there is so much coming out about this woman that she will only appeal to the basest of the republican base. and judgment? forget the ridiculous rumors of the daughter being the mother of the youngest child. look at the facts. palin made a speech and then hopped two planes from texas to alaska AFTER HER WATER BROKE.  she endangered the life of her baby, which she knew was a special needs child in the first place. what kind of an idiot does that?  

  15. No it wont.

  16. i do not think so because obviously Palin doesn't really care about her family she only cares about her career. She has neglected her children so i do expect her to be concentrated on her job as a VP and forget about the rest.  

  17. Nope.

    Her judgment and opinions will.

  18. Your kidding me, right?  Bad parenting?

    Teen pregnancy is a social issue that knows no social or economical or even political lines.

    Any of you that are stooping to new levels of low by trying to discredit this woman and her 17 year old daughter should be ashamed of yourselves.

  19. I don't know if it will affect her ability to be a good vice president, but IMHO, I believe it'd speak more for her as a person if she were to not accept the VP candidacy and instead choose to stay in Alaska where her family is and raise her own young, mentally challenged child, 17 year-old daughter and her grandchild.

    Raising a child takes a lot of time and energy, and raising a child with a disability will certainly take even more time. And on top of that, a grandchild is on the way.... Palin has a lot to consider. She's going to have to sacrifice a lot of time one way or the other... being a good vice president, or being a good mother/grandmother.  

    I'd love to see her do both, but it possible? Who knows!

  20. Governor Palin , being pure working class, better understands family issues that a Harvard Attorney.The pregnancy adds to her experience; living a real American life will make her a better VP.

  21. Not at all,

    Palin is not the kind of person who would put the burden of "I couldnt accept being selected for VP because YOU got pregnant" onto her daughter.  the liberals with little to no values cannot even fathom that statement because they simply arent capable of thinking in this way.

    Why does it make her a bad mother?  At a ceratin point you have to let go of your children and hope that they make the right choices.  She showed that she is a great mother by choosing to support her daughter in this tough time in her life.

    The Obama supporters are simply angry because they are not capable of caring for someone to this degree/standard,  hence they have no standards, which is why they can vote for a candidate who 3 times supported infantacide of children that survived botched abortions.

    I know I will get major thumbs down for this but......

    It also seems that many of the negative "shes not a good mother" comments come ironically from women.  Likely the ones who know that this woman is tougher than nails compared to them and has completely on her own become something that they will likely never be.

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