
Will Sarah Palin's daughter (and the boyfriend) be forced into a marriage that neither is ready for?

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I wonder if this marriage was the kid's idea, or the Republican party strategists idea.




  1. Frankly we have no way of knowing whether they are ready or not, but they will most likely get married and then who knows. Lot's of people get married at that age and it all works out fine. You don't need to be married to be a good parent but if they want to get married good for them. They are going to have a lot of support so I think they'll be just fine.

  2. how do u know whether they are ready or not? and besides at least they trying to provide a home for the baby if it doesn't work then they can go there separate ways

  3. We don't know if they are or not, and it's not our business.

  4. Yes.

    Marriage makes it alright according to the twisted logic of a creationist.

  5. Silly liberal, its not your business what they're doing in their personal life

  6. I'm sure it will be a good ol' fashion shot gun wedding! BYOB

  7. Why do you presume to judge whether or not they are ready?

    Since they are not asking for any tax dollars to help with their problem, why is it your business?  

  8. go to TMZ...they have a close up pic of the two from yesterday's RNC...the bf has a tattoo that says "bristol" on his ring finger while bristol has a diamond ring instead of a tattoo...the tat is permanent so i don't know i guess he does want to marry her.  

  9. The two have been together quite a while it is not like they didn't know eachother and love eachother. They are not strangers being forced to be together.

    If they were doing a shotgun wedding they would already be married, she is already 5 months pregnant.  

  10. Better than killing growing life.

  11. that neither is ready for?  Basically, it is none of our business.  

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