
Will Sarah Palin appear on Maury Povich show or Jerry Springer show as part of her campaign?

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John McCain, You are the father

Juan McCain, Usted es el padre




  1. lol...u're silly

  2. I would just like to respond to the person that said, "would you rather have her kill the baby?" First of all I respect those who disagree with a woman's right to choose, which like it or not is still a woman's right according to Roe vs. Wade. Second, fortunately the Palin family has the financial means to support this child, obviously. However, the majority of women getting abortions do not have the financial means. I guarantee, if our government promised these young mothers their children would grow up in a safe neighborhood, receive a decent education, and have the chance to succeed, 95% of women having abortions would reconsider. Why is abortion talk always about the baby before its born? Why don't we find ways to give them a chance once they are born? When did life end at birth?

    Yes some may say, these women shouldn't have been having s*x in the first place if they didn't want a child, and I agree. It's always great to dream of a perfect world, but the reality is, teenagers have s*x, teaching students only about abstinence is not effective, as the daughter of Sarah Palin clearly demonstrates. Perhaps one way to curb unwanted pregnancy is to teach teenagers about  birth control. Wouldn't that help prevent children from having children, and lower the rate of abortion amongst, at least, teenagers?

    After reading the rest of the responses I would like to say a few more things. First, when did democrats start attacking homosexuals when they are republicans? Second, calling Oprah Winfrey, who donates a lot of time and money into helping many people throughout the world, a racist, is just wrong. Third, calling Obama an elitist after Mccain came out and said he believed that the average American made $500,000 a year, is just funny. Didn't he also forget how many houses he owned? Next, those women we support on welfare that have more kids, are the ones many conservatives don't help after convincing the young mothers to have a baby instead of getting an abortion. Moreover, conservatives refuse to help teach these women how to use protection! Liberals are simply cleaning up the messes of Republicans who may have good ideas in the beginning but never finish the job.

    Finally Cowgirl, you exemplify the reason why we need a president in office that values education. You wrote, "your just jelous". There are two ways to write the first word in your incorrect sentence. When you write "your" it refers to a possession, such as, your house, your dress, etc. When you write "you're", which is the way you should have spelled the first word in your sentence, it means, you are.  Next, "jelous" is spelled jealous. Seems that some republicans could use some more education on political issues, social issues, and lets just face it first grade spelling and vocabulary.

    By the way, had Chelsea Clinton, or any other daughter of a democratic president,  gotten pregnant at 17 you can bet the republicans would be a lot more judgmental than any democrat is being about Palin's daughter.

  3. Yes, and they'll show Obama's preacher trying to perform some kind of exorcism to get the bad out of her, "God dam* this girl!  She's been spending too much time ridin' dirty!!"

    Democrats, you have nothing to be gloating about.  Republicans are disappointed in themselves.  But of all the people in the world, don't try to hold yourselves up to be superior after what this world learned of your candidate.

  4. That's hilarious.

  5. as a democrat, i find this question tasteless and offensive.  

  6. jajajajajajaja. too funny!

  7. Both, and Barrack Hussein Obama is the secret father of Bristol Palin's baby.

    They are going to name the Child Osama Bin Laden Obama, just to p**s you guys off.

  8. She's got what it takes to make a very interesting show.

  9. no, only unemployed Democrats watch those shows

  10. Keep digging yourself deeper into that grave.  Its not helping your party making all these sick accusations.


  11. What are you saying, are you trying to portray her as white trash??? I pity you, you are too stupid to know that people laugh about you behind your back........

  12. LMFAO !!   The RNC convention will be like the Jerry Springer Show...

    Instead of "Four More Years"  the crowd will be shouting:

    Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Hahaha thats hella funny

  14. Wich one did Bill Clinton finally go on to prove him guilty of sleeping with interns in the oval office and smoking pot.

    ***Palin has admited to smoke pot at a time when it was legal in AK and she didn't like it. Instead of the bull Clinton said about, not inhaling and blah, blah, blah. He was probably smoking in the oval office too. That would exlain a lot.

    Your just jelous because she has standards.

  15. Sure the GOP'ers love that kind of thing.  LOL

  16. Payback time...

    Why are McCain supporters complaining now about how Palin is being treated. She choose to be the candidate...she put that foot through the door...and soon she'll put the other foot in her mouth...

    After a full year of getting away with absurd things like calling Obama a terrorist, a muslim, making fun of his looks, his wife, his career, his whole's just karma that Palin has come along now... it's called natural justice..

  17. Will you grow-up?

  18. Well , I assume so...LOL

  19. Funny.

    I'd say Jerry, but she has all her teeth, so it has to be Maury..

  20. Hah.  that is too funny.  Especially since the racist Oprah will only have the racist Obama on her show, just talking about how they are so happy being rich elitists.  

    What is even more funny is that you dumb liberals attack republicans about things that you would support if it was a liberal in the same position.  You attack a homosexual because he is a republican, yet you would support him if he was a liberal and get pissed if republicans attacked him.  You attack a decent woman whose daughter is pregnant and marrying the father, yet you support young single mothers who give it up for free and also the women in poverty who have kids just to collect more welfare.  You attack McCain for his part in a scandal that happened in 1991 that he was cleared of being involved in at all, yet you support a person running for president that admits he is close friends with a known felon who is indicted on several MORE charges, as well as admitting close ties with a person that tried to kill AMERICANS!

    Funny how two-faced you people are, you liberals are a sad pathetic joke to humanity.  

    Maybe Obama can take his kids onto Maury to use them alittle more for political gain, then his sexist wife can get pissed off again about personal attacks on her and Obama because she is putting herself in the national spotlight when she should know that anyone in the spotlight will have critics, then they can cry together about how people are insulting them.  

    EDIT - At least she didnt have an abortion.  God knows that liberals are against killing criminals but all in favor of killing babies.  It's interesting how feable minds work up to such ridiculous levels of stupidity.

    Laura K - Obama is an elitist, because he acts like he is better than everyone, tries to say "I am just like you" while being much more rich than most of his supporters, McCain never said he is just a "poor white boy from the suburbs".  McCain did however serve his country and deserves everything he has and more.  Obama deserves a kick in the ***.  Oprah is a racist because she refuses to have any republicans on her show, yet insists she is so open minded.  Just like most Obama supports, she supports one thing and one thing only:  A black man in the oval office.  She, just like most Obama supporters that I have ever talked to, want Obama to be President because he is black.  Honestly, I dont mind having a black president, I dont look at a person's skin color until they make it obvious(when they make everything about them being black, or how some other black man isnt "black enough"), but d**n you all could EASILY find a better candidate than Obama.  There are several black democrats that I would vote for.  But I know, I am unlike you because I actually care about the issues instead of skin color.  

    By the way, democrats will always love supporting single mothers on welfare who have children just to get more welfare because it makes them feel like they are doing something good.  Yet you attack republicans for sometimes making a mistake that is beyond their control.  At the same time, if they were democrats, you would be embracing them.  Most democrats are two faced.  They care about ONE THING, and that is whether you are a democrat or not.

  21. why because she has a pregnant daughter?

  22. Maury:-

    Sarah Palin, are NOT the mother..

  23. lol....nice

  24. maybe because in oprah's show only Obama can go

  25. She considers a baby a blessing and not a mistake.  Are you as enlightened, or would you kill it?

  26. I would assume Jerry Springer.

    She has no need for Maury Pauvich, she already knows who the father is.

  27. LOL!!! "John McCain! You are the father. That is so funny.t

  28. Yeah.  I heard that at least 10 guys could be the father.

    My boy said that baby don't look nothing like him!

  29. It would be to boring for those fans, she knows who her babes daddy is.

  30. She would fair better that Obama would on Hannity and Combs or on Spin Factor.  

  31. Maury. There are more trashy baby daddy stories on Maury.

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