
Will Sarah Palin be another Harriet Miers?

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Will she survive the vetting process




  1. d**k Cheney minus the d**k

  2. She has been vetted but I think the Dems are regretting boy Obama was not vetted a little better....William Ayers, racist Rev Wright, Louis Farakhan, his wife the mouth Michell and lets not forget Larry Sinclair.

  3. One would think that McCain's people vetted her like no other in consideration of the hyper sensitive scandal loving times we live in.

    I have seen no credible site or reporter substantiate the rumors concerning Palin's daughter having a baby that was hidden from public view by her mother.

    Palin seems a very odd choice for McCain.  I'm sure Palin is a talented person.  But what does she know of international conflicts, of relationships we have with friends and foes around the world, of DC itself, of national politics?

    It is becoming clear that McCain is something of a rebel, with, a sort of in your face attitude towards life and leadership.  It seems a choice flimsy, and untutored, at best, in some regards.

    George W. has demonstrated that ideology without restrained judgment is not a wise leader for the country, Palin seems a similar person to Bush, in the sense that she is simply not worldly enough to lead America.

    I worry about Obama's judgment, and now, most certainly, McCain's, too.

  4. i hope so, i hate an early death

  5. It seems like John McCain gave this decision the same amount of thought that you would give to ordering a sandwich for lunch.

    The claim that she fought the bridge to nowhere. Not really. She supported it until the amount of funding for the bridge was cut and Alaska would have to shell out more. So the project was scrapped but the state kept the federal money!

    Using her political power to settle family vendettas (Troopergate, and firing city officials when she was mayor)

    She left her town, Wasilla, in a financial hole when she left it.

    Plus an even juicier rumour that has been flying around Alaska that her new five month old is actually  her grandson. Appears her daughter Bristol was missing from high school for five months with mono. Palin only announced her pregnancy publicly when she was seven months along and everyone was shocked. She didn't look pregnant. So Alaskans have been questioning if she was pregnant at all or was she covering up for her daughter.  It all sounds very Desperate Housewivish to me but there is enough smoke in that rumour to make it worth  looking for a fire.

    While i don't support her positions on just about everything, I feel bad for her. McCain should have vetted her better. No matter what you say about her, the main point is what this decision says about him. When it came to making the first decision of his presidential career, he choose to be reckless. Not someone I want having the hand on the button and in charge of the military.

  6. Governor Palin was never a managing partner of a law firm with over 400 associates, nor has she ever been a White House lawyer,,,,,so I doubt she will ever be compared to Ms. Miers (a single woman her whole life) anywhere outside of Y!A

    BTW, she already "survived" the vetting process.

  7. yes because of the dematards glass ceiling

  8. I think she will be or at least another form of her.  She probably won't go away quietly.  If she's the VP pick, she should have already gone through the "vetting" process.  

    I know the GOP likes her, but I have my doubts about her.  There is no way the Hillary supporters will back her.  The only commonality is being a woman.  That won't do. They are much smarter than that.

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