
Will Sarah Palin ever....?

by  |  earlier

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...discuss any issues? All I heard was petty name calling.




  1. You were "selectively" listening.

  2. She will in November after we win. Back to Chicago Obama, maybe then he will actually accomplish something.  

  3. No issues, no talk on the economy, all attacks

  4. Yeah, I was disappointed to not hear what their game plan is.

    They instead spent their time attacking. I guess this shows how

    much experience she has!

  5. What makes you think she knows anything about the issues?  Same for McCain.  They say they're about to go into specifics, then say something vague and misleading like "Obama's going to raise taxes."

    Yes, he will raise taxes in total, but ALL of that comes from the wealthiest 5%.  His plan is to cut taxes on the other 95% by MORE than McCain would.

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