
Will Sarah Palin give a convention speech or will she be dropped from the ticket/ drop out herself first?

by Guest45245  |  earlier

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Will Sarah Palin give a convention speech or will she be dropped from the ticket/ drop out herself first?




  1. Why would she be dropped?  Outside of something horrendous coming from the Ted Stevens fiasco implicating her, what could possibly keep her off the ticket?

    The last conservative to become VP had a L*****n daughter, so a pregnant daughter is actually a bit of relief to conservatives.  (that was a joke people, its ok to laugh about these things)

  2. She will give a rousing speech,and the republicians will gush with pride.That's sad.One of the planks in their platform is the little woman staying at home,taking care of the children,etc.So what does the party do? select a woman with five children,give her a job that will take up all of her time, and to top it off a daughter who's pregant.Sarah,if you are a good little republician,drop out,go home, and take care of your family.

  3. The one-sidedness of the media and their ATTACK on Palin is pathetic and shows how desperate the left are.  Palin (the VP selection) is more qualified to run the country than Obama is.  She will give a great speech and this attach launched by the biased media will back-fire on them!  All you people voting for Obama need to check some simple facts FIRST.  It's really scary how quick people are to judge but how slow they are to SELF-educate.  10 mins of research will show you that he spells doom for this country, period.  

  4. I can't see her lasting, either way it plays well for the Democrats as it clearly illustrates McCains incompetence and poor decision making.

  5. Whatever... McCain/Palin are doomed

  6. She will give a convention speech, but the whining of the liberals will continue as noted by the absurd questions. Don't hear any republicans saying "when will Biden drop out?"

    Wah! Wah! Wah!

  7. she will be given a speech to read.

    she isnt qualified to do much else.

  8. I think she may drop out when certain disclosures come to light..

  9. I will be amazed if that bimbo can find her way to the stage at all. She is much too dense to have the common sense required to remove herself from all the public embarrassment and humiliation that she is about to reap for herself and her family. And, since she comes from the Grand Party of Deception, Lies, and is unlikely she will be dropped because the Repugnants actually think women are stupid enough to choose her over the only candidate who really wants to protect womens' rights: Obama.

  10. She will conquer the maelstrom and grab the hearts of Flyover Americans.

  11. Whether it's the War or a campaign, the Right doesn't surrender. We are invested in victory, not defeat.

  12. I hope she stays in. I sure want to relish the moment she finds out her blushing daughter is pregnant again...and that THIS time, Levi's NOT the father! You know it's going to happen...just as sure as Larry Craig has probably found a quieter set of bathroom stalls to frequent someplace other than the local airport.  

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