
Will Sarah Palin help spice up McCain’s campaign with a capital “S” for “Sexy”?

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Okay this gun toting mother of five hasn't really got that much experience under her belt but will her selection to be McCain's running mate improve his chances of winning the Presidency and Whitehouse?

After all her youth will help balance up McCain's old age.

She's got values like she's pro-life and pro-gun and her good look's can't be disputed but will this beautiful young lady give the Republicans the edge they're looking for in this 2008 Presidential election?

And if McCain and Palin do win the Whitehouse then do you think the new Vice President will prove to be more than just a pretty face?




  1. because of McSame's age and history of bad health.... his choice for VP was absolutely vital for making a choice that Americans will be comfortable with.....  and again without disappointing us.... he has made another wrong decision!!!!

  2. Yeah, the combination of brains and looks can't hurt a thing.

    Besides, unlike either Obama or his candidate for VP ( why is Biden so forgettable?) Palin has actually worked for a living. She actually knows what it's like to have a pay the rent.

  3. Don't know yet... I haven't heard her speak, but I can't imagine McCain would defy common sense and the questioning he has endured without knowing she is capable.

  4. Are you silly enough to give relevance to the "s**y" factor? Post some more when you reach voting age.

  5. Sure lets all vote for Palin cause she is s**y.  LOL

  6. According to a poll my BF read to me, she is highly accepted. I think she needs allot more experience, but she can gain that if she does become the VP. She is very pretty and my BF is hot for her (he also thinks the s**y librarian look), but he would not choose her for her looks. He is very into politics and likes allot of what she stands for.

    I, personally think there may be a chance for her to bring in more voters like women, younger people, men that think she is s**y....

    She seems to be very well read and genuine. Do you notice that she can speak without looking at a teleprompter? and she does not stutter her words? It seems like she knows what she believes in and does not need anyone to write it for her. I like that about her.

  7. We're (ok, some of us) looking for a candidate who didn't vote with George Bush ninety percent of the time, not one who can be helped by someone else's looks.

  8. now what happens if Mccain who is unfit to lead falls for Mrs Palins charms

  9. I'll give you S for "s**y" and add "shallow" or a lack of "substance" or a tactic in McCain's "strategy" that is simply "sad."  

  10. To think that the Republicans have been attacking Obama for being inexperienced and then to put a complete novice on the ticket is unvelievable. They say McCain is a maverick, I think he has just proved that he lacks the judgment to be President.

  11. Another attack on a woman.

  12. Like a s**y librarian spicing up a trip to the library!

  13. I think McCain picked her because she's exactly what he'd like in a woman. Former beauty queen. hockey mom and lifetime NRA member. Perhaps Cindy should watch her back.

  14. McFart smells like poopoo and peepee!

  15. so now republicans are done with the "fear politics" and now trying to sell s*x??

    lol!! when does it stop? oh yeah November!

  16. Republicans will rationalize their support for any candidate--after all they elected Dan Quayle incarnate (GWB) in 2000.

  17. Well, she is very very pretty! But I also think she is smart and has good qualifications. Its not easy to govern, and she has more experience then Obama.

  18. Brains and body and she carries a gun too. I am in love.

  19. Since she has already put the capital "R" in REFORMER (on both sides of the isle); it seems to me she has already proven to be more than a pretty face.

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