
Will Sarah Palin make history again this week?

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Rumors are float around (and the bookies are in on it too) that Palin will be removed from the McCain ticket.

Will she be the SHORTEST tenured V.P. candidate in history?





  1. If McSame removes her it will prove he only chose her as political strategy in the first place.

  2. She can pose centerfold for Playboy for all I care. I will still not vote for her.

  3. Do you want to ask that question again now that she has delivered her TERRIFIC acceptance speech at the RNC?

    It seems to me that you're afraid of how successful Sarah Palin is and what she's going to bring to the table considering all the negative questions that you've been asking about her.  Getting a little nervous that she and McCain are going to be elected that you feel the need to bad-mouth her 24/7?

  4. Serious lack of judgement in that pick.  I think she'll "step down" for "family reasons" by the end of the week so he can "sell" his new VP at the convention.

  5. That's just a wish by the liberal media and the democrats.

    They're scared to death of her because she's far more qualified than Obama.

    I'm betting on Obama throwing Biden under the bus soon.  That was a big mistake for the Democrats.

  6. why should she,because her daughter is pregnant and not married?Bristol isn't the one running for office Bet you or your big brother were preemies at 4 or 5 months after the wedding, if there was one.We must throw stones,mustn't we?At someone else's situations.It makes us feel important.Makes you feel like a true democrat.

  7. no, just Democrat paranoia..I think the Democrats are VETTING their pants right now

  8. Let's put her head to head against the Obamanation!

    Vote for the HERO not the......

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