
Will Scotland have its own Olympic team for 2012 after SNP calls for a separate team?

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  1. I think there won't be separate teams, there will be a Great Britain team since 1968 which is likely to be coached by Sir Alex Ferguson and that might be his first National assignment in recent memory.

  2. I hope so. We hosted the first Football International in Glasgow in 1873  and should be recognise for starting it all off.[score was 0-0 against the English visitors]. Football should be "coming home" to where it began - Scotland.

    Stop wasting Scotlands money subsidising the south and give us some of it back, London is bleeding us dry.

  3. Let 'em have a separate Olympic team just as soon as they stop bludging off England and start paying their own way in the world.  Funnily enough, I don't hear the SNP demanding that Scotland stop living of English taxes.  

  4. not unless Scotland votes for independence between now and then which is highly unlikely.

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